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Juliet's POV

Hayes and I were still drunk, stumbling around.

"Hold on, wait, Cameron left his wallet in the car, what if we got his credit card and-he's gonna flip out...ready?" I said.

Hayes nodded.

I whispered my plan to him.

He gasped.

"Hell the what? Oh damn. Common. Leggo"

~next morning~

I woke up in some house with two people also passed out, one hanging off the side of the bed, one laying across my stomach.

I sat up.

From what I could see it was Carmen, and Hayes.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP" I yelled.

I immediately regretted it, and clutched my head.

They sat up and groaned.

"Stop" Carmen whined.

I'll update again soon. Pls comment babes❤🤣

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