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Ya know, I'm not really that good at writing emotional scenes😂😂

Juliet's POV

So where'd we leave off?

Oh yea.

When things got fucked up:

So they were arguing, nothing new, nothing weird.

I walked over and heard them arguing because Cam said Hayes was wearing his shirt, but Hayes said he was wearing Nash's shirt, not Cam's.

They both had a little alcohol in them.

And then Cam fucking tackled Hayes.

Everyone was like pulling Cam back, including me, for like 10 minutes, until he finally stood up.

You could tell now Nash was about to start tackling Cam when they saw all the guys looking at me.

To see if how I was reacting.

I sat on my knees and shook Hayes.

"Hayes. Wake up" I said.

He was knocked out.

I lifted his head since he was on a tile floor and he had really big cuts and bruises on the back of his head.

I gasped.

Cam came over and pulled me back away from him.

"Why do you care if he's hurt" he said as he was trying to pull me back.

Cam was like lifting me up while I was holding onto the kitchen table, pulling myself forward.

"Let me go" I yelled.

I was really crying hard.

When he realised I was crying he stopped and looked at me confused.

Nash looked even more confused.

And the guys looked at me sympathetically.

I sat back down and so did some of the guys.

Carter, being the only smart one apparently, checked his pulse.

"Shit, guys, his pulse is going really slow, it's slowing down, like it's almost not even there" he yelled.

And everyone flipped the fuck out.

I saw crying really hard.

JJ was on the phone with 911.

Taylor and Matt were checking to see how bad the cuts and bruises were.

And I was kinda getting in the way by hugging him.

"Juliet, you gotta go" G said, in a sympathetic way.

"It's not good for you to stay" Shawn said.


"Cam, you should take her" Aaron said.

Cam picked me up again and started walking away with me.

I grabbed the doorway hinges  because the door was open, and pulled myself back in.

"GUYS! He doesn't have a pulse!" I heard one of them yell.

I guess Cam gave up with getting me out the house because he sat down while I was crying.

I sat there crying for a long time while he just kinda hugged me but also was really confused.

And then I got angry.

I looked up at him slowly.

He just stared at me.

Like in a why the fuck are you crying doe? way.

I stood up and shoved him to the ground. "It's your fucking fault, I hate you" I yelled.

I ran back in the kitchen just as the ambulance pulled up outside.

Then, as they said, I fainted from anxiety and stress, and just completely fell onto the floor. So the nurses put me in the ambulance to.


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