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Hayes's POV

They blocked and deleted her number from my phone.

They didn't make me delete my social media for obvious reasons, but every time I was on my phone someone had to be watching over my shoulder, and any time I went to walk away into another room from them I had to hand off my phone.

What they didn't realize is, like she didn't even have social media anymore. So how would I talk to her?

But they didn't want to hear it.

Nash really was surprisingly on my side, but only secretly. Because he didn't want everyone to be pisses at him.

All the guys came over still, Cam came over still, all that.

He hates me, I mean he REALLY hates me, more than he ever has. 

The first time he saw me after the hospital thing, the guys had to immediately hold him back.

I was watching out the window lately.

Everyday at the same time she's aloud to take a walk with her whole family once a day.

At 9 AM.

I was aloud to take a walk with my whole family only at 4 PM.

So I was gonna have to try and change that.

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