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"Guys, where's Josie?"

"She's with Maddie."

"NO! Tiff, I thought she was with you!"

If some random had overheard this conversation, they would be thinking that the group of girls had lost a pet. However, in this case, they had lost a member.

They tend to lose Josie a lot because she seems to have the habit of falling asleep in strange places.

"What's with all the noise?"

Everyone looked up at the sound of Josie's voice. Josie crawled out from under the large make-up table, rubbing her eyes. The four girls sighed in relief. Liza bent down and helped Josie up.

"Bambi, you really gotta stop falling asleep in random places without telling us. What if you were stuck in a closest or something and we had no idea?" Liza scolded Josie sternly.

Josie hugged Liza. "Sorry for making you guys worry." Liza smiled softly and hugged their youngest member back. "You need to get more sleep hon. What time did you sleep last night?" Liza asked as she pulled away.

"I didn't sleep...." Josie replied sheepishly, rubbing her neck but then continued excitedly. "But it's because I was working on our Christmas album and I think I've produ-"

Tiffany had covered Josie's mouth with her hand. "Bambi, you need to get some rest. You're working yourself way to hard." She removed her hand and Amanda guided Josie onto the couch to get a little bit more rest.

"Now get a bit more shut eye before we got out there. We can't let you go on stage looking like the walking dead now, can we?" Josie looked up at Amanda with a look of shock, "Then how come we let you go out on stage?"

Liza and Tiffany covered their mouths trying not to laugh whereas Maddie laughed out loud, clutching her stomach.


"DID YOU GUYS HAVE FUN TONIGHT?!" Maddie yelled out to the crowd.

LVNA's fans were going crazy. Even as the concert came to an end, their fans never seemed to lose their energy.

Josie chuckled and began her closing speech. "Thank you everyone for coming out tonight to watch and support us! We honestly cannot show you guys the amount of appreciation and gratitude that we have for everyone single one of you. You guys have stuck with us through thick and thin and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. But I know you have all wanted to know what the big announcement is, right? Do you guys want to know?"

There were screams of 'yes', 'please tell us'.

Josie looked at Maddie. "I don't think they want to know Mads. What do you think?" Maddie looked thoughtful for a second.

"Yeah, you're right Bambi. Maybe we should ask them again?" Josie turned back to the crowd. "Who here wants to know what the big announcement is?"

The stadium blew up with yells and cheers so loud Josie thought the roof might cave in. She chuckled softly and continued. "Okay okay. I think you guys deserve to know now." She said we a wink.

"So, you guys know our record label, Hopeless Records? Well, recently we met with them to discuss certain viewpoints of how us, LVNA together with you guys, Solar, could grow in the years to come. So, we came up with the conclusion of working in partnership with Jellyfish Entertainment, which is an entertainment company in Seoul, South Korea." Josie paused for a second, waiting to see whether she was going to get a reaction from the crowd. There were only small murmurs, so Josie continued.

"This basically means that we'll have to travel to South Korea and not only work there but also live there for five years...." As Josie finished her statement, the stadium blew up again in commotion over the news. Some fans not knowing whether to be happy that their stars are getting the recognition that they deserve or to be sad that their leaving them for FIVE YEARS!!

"SOLAR!! I know this is a shock but don't take it as bad news!" Josie continued. "We'll still make music while we are there, obviously, and we will continue to show love to you guys no matter what! This is a growing experience for all of us. Solar can grow bigger and become more international! You guys will be able to interact more with our Solar in not just South Korea but the whole of Asia. We just hope that you guys will continue to support and love us through our journey and we'll be back here in no time!"

After the concert was finished, Amanda jumped straight onto her social media. "Woah, guys we are everywhere! TMZ, BuzzFeed......they're all talking about us leaving!" Amanda exclaimed giddily. "We are blowing up!"

"That's great Amanda but we have got to get you guys back home to pack." Jim informed us. "Tomorrow's going to be a big day."

"What time is our flight?" Tiffany asked while wiping her make-up off.

Jim pulled out his phone to show us the flight schedule. "We depart at 8:03am, layover in Tokyo and we should arrive in Seoul at 9:30pm. It'll be a long flight but not something you guys aren't use to already."

The four older girls sat on the small couch when Josie plonked herself on top of their legs. She sighed while looking around the room, at the LVNA staff members. "I'm going to miss being together with everyone here..." The older girls looked down at their youngest member with soft smiles. They each gave Josie a kiss on the check before standing up.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to the five girls.

"I'd just like to say how thankful we are to have had you guys work with us during our time with Hopeless Records. You guys have been with us for eight whole fuck!ng years! Like how are you guys still here?!" Everyone laughed softly and someone replied, "I wonder that every day Bambi!" and someone else said, "It's the pay."

The room erupted in fits of laughter as Josie continued. "Anyway, you have all been the best and I hope that we all continue to stay in touch while we are away because I'm going to miss seeing all your ugly faces every day."

"You better not forget about us!" Yolanda, the group's main make-up artist yelled out in tears. "How could we?" Josie replied with a soft smile. "Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what. Here, we are a family. Forever and always."

Everyone began clapping and cheering loudly as Josie finished her speech. "When did you become so sentimental?" Maddie asked her wiping away a stray tear.

Josie chuckled. "Just a few minutes ago." Tiff stood beside Josie and ruffled her hair.

The girls huddled together, holding each other. Amanda rested her head on Josie's shoulder.

"New beginnings ladies?"

"Yeah Bambi. New beginnings."

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