Hello My Uglies

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Hello my lovelies :)

Ha just kidding you're all as ugly as my morning hair D:

ANYWAYS, don't you guys think that ice cream are just the awesomest thing in the world? Like, they're sweet, cold, and the perfect solution for a heart broken girl :)

Nah, I'm not that sad...

I'm really depressed right now cuz I missed a The Wanted concert in Toronto, but my friend went and rubbed it in my face the next day ): I started crying and everyone saw and laughed at me ): hey it's not my fault that I'm sad that I missed seeing my baby...

Personally, I think the fight between The Wanted and One Direction is just stupid. So what if One Direction is younger than The Wanted, and have more fans? Deal with it. So what if they're older by like three years? That doesn't make them old grandpa's.

Don't you guys hate high school? Like my french teacher seriously needs to start wearing a bra, her boobs are so pointy that I get scared when I get too close to her O.O and my science teacher needs to start calming down..I swear that woman is where the saying "talks a mile a minute" came from, not that I don't love her :) she's so cute and the nicest one out of my teachers.

Today, in health class, we got marshmallows! They were the tiny and colourful kind...but c'mon, it's not everyday that you get free food in class :) And we were screwing screws onto nuts...haha get it? Yeah, I'm so perverted...I know.

Oh! And we're going to a French restaurant next Friday...bleh, I suck at French so bad that I swear I'm going to order something like snails...or like squid..ew.

Aren't you guys just so excited about Christmas break? Whoop, finally a break from school. And Christmas shopping, that's just awesome.

What are you guys going to get for your friends? I'm thinking of getting a poster of Siva from The Wanted for my friend who's obsessed with him. Though he kind of look like kangaroo to me :S not that I don't love him. Anyways, do they sell posters of The Wanted? I went everywhere to look for them, but I got was One Direction ones...which I wanted to buy so badly ):

Okay, I'm going to stop obsessing over hot british guys now...:D

Last month, I tried to adopt twin kittens, they were so cute and tiny <3. My parents wouldn't let me at first, they said they'll only say 'yes' if I cleaned up my room and started washing dishes...So I did, well minus the washing up dishes part. I was scared that I'd break the dishes since I was such a klutz D:.

Anyways, I had a whole powerpoint ready and made my room nice and pretty. Then the next day I went to the animal shelter, and guess what they tell me? Someone else adopted them in the exact same morning T.T it was the sadest day of my life...well not really, but it was close.

So, should I start writing a Fan-Fiction about Nathan Sykes? (:

Okay, I'll write more next time :D (stupid school assignments...that I'm actually currently failing).

<3 you guys for listening to my useless crap :)


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