What you like about him the most

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Simon~ you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. You have the most handsome boyfriend ever; he is slim, gorgeous and 100000% sexy. You always get lost, staring into his blue eyes. And of course, his seductiveness has to be the cherry on the cake. He knows how to treat you like a true lady; with respect and kindness.

JJ~ you feel like JJ can be very masculine and protective, but can also be a true softy around you. He will always have time for his number one and you love that about him. He is also a party-animal like you so you have the wildest nights ever. And the best thing is, you do it together, as a team.

Ethan~ you have to say you feel the best thing about Ethan has to be his laugh. It makes you smile when you are upset, and chuckle when you're angry. And because you're both true pranksters, you have many giggling fits together. He is so sweet and kind and you adore his perseverance; how if he sets his mind on something, he will never give up on it.

Tobi~ he is the kindest man you know. He always puts others before himself, especially you. He always spoils you because he wants to treasure the time you have together, whether is ends tomorrow or lasts forever. He is just the cutest and of course, suppppper smoking!

Josh~ you can't mention Josh without slipping in a dad joke. Although, you feel like he would make an amazing father! He is hard-working and loves his job. Even though he is the oldest, you think he is the most childest. Which you don't mind of course, since you are the same. You compliment his beard everyday since you feel like it's his best feature that everyone notices first.

Vik~ Vik is the sweetest human being ever. Even though he isn't the strongest or most daring, you prefer the cute side of him. He tries to act hard which makes you chuckle since he will always be soft around you. You spend most of your time cuddling with him since he gives the best hugs! You wouldn't trade him for the world.

Harry~ Harry will always be picky about his looks but he thinks you're always beautiful, especially when you're just chilling in a tracksuit with no makeup on. He loves you for who you are which you feel is very sweet of him. Even though he looks very intimidating and strong on the outside, you know how kind and sweet he is on the inside. He's also so beautiful words can't explain, which makes you happy that you can call him yours.

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