When you're drunk

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Simon~ giggle a lot and try to make moves on him, but it usually never works out and he just falls asleep.

JJ~ dance on the tables and sing karaoke with him until you feel ill and throw up.

Ethan~ you pretend it's your last night with Ethan and you're never going to see him again, so you cry a lot. But he knows that you are really drunk at this point and takes you home.

Tobi~ you're like Tobi; you barely drink. But when you've had the odd one or two, it sends you mental and you like to play hide and seek with him. He finds it hilarious as you manage to squeeze in the most ridiculous places ever.

Josh~ you become very protective and usually end up shouting at him for 'cheating'. He knows that you're kidding because you're drunk and that you won't remember a thing when you wake up so he lets it slide.

Vik~ when you're drunk with Vik, it never ends with you keeping your clothes on.

Harry~ you scream the most random words ever when you're drunk. Harry's favourites are 'you're not you when you're hungry, eat a snickers babe' and 'let's get naked'.

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