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From the moment that Ja'far had met Kieran Cavins, the moment he had recognised the King of the Seven Seas, First King of Sanjiv, he knew his life was going to be as far from boring as one could imagine. Ja'far had ran into the idiot in a Ukrainian forest, a forest that was edging the border with Russia.

It turned out the idiot was here with a film set but had ended up having to run away from three pissed off female bears after running into one of their cubs. Моронові аутсайдера, moronic outsider, his tribe had called those who'd ended up on the wrong side of a Ukrainian Mama bear.

An actor in this lifetime; Royalty when he last ran into the man's soul.

At the time, he didn't know how accurate he was until Kieran retired from acting, indie films and Hollywood. Retired to open Warwick High School, a dream school created to teach teenagers how to make indie films; show them what worked and what didn't.

Along with why something might work in one film, one TV show or Movie, but might not work in another. Dark realism being high on that list in Ja'far's mind, Hollywood seemed to over do it and he found himself bored with the whole consent depressive tone.

Now he had met the second person who he thought was going to make his life more interesting then it needed to be; Josephine Ryans. But where Ja'far could pinpoint who Kieran was, for some reason, he was having a harder time doing the same with Miss Ryans.

Most likely due to the fact that he had met her in the safety of the school grounds.

Her golden eyes reminded him of someone, someone who got into as much trouble as the First King of Sanjiv did. The Fourth Queen of Duhkha was a charming young woman, but she was a небезпека магніт -danger magnet.

Her hair was the wrong colour, messy brown instead of a golden blonde. But then, Kieran's hair colour was wrong as well, brown instead of a dark shade of violet. Kieran had corrected that after one of Ja'far's drunk comments.

"Miss Ryans," Ja'far greeted as she sat down, it wouldn't do to be lost in a lifetime he wasn't meant to remember.

"Mr Black said you needed to see me, I'm not in trouble?" Josephine asked him.

"No Miss Ryans," Ja'far told her. Kieran had merely placed her into his Theatre Track class, a class he personally taught and hand-picked students to join. It also meant that Ja'far and the school's teachers were used to student's changing their timetables in the first few weeks of a semester. "You don't know why you're here?"

"No sir," Josephine admitted.

"Mr Cavins has placed you in his Theatre Track class," Ja'far told her. "And we'll need to change your timetable."

"Theatre track?"

"Stage work Miss Ryans. Some students take up Swordplay."

"You mean LARP?"


"Live action roll play, there's medieval Warhammer-like group somewhere."

"Then yes, Miss Ryans."

"He wants me on stage?"

"You don't have to be on stage Miss Ryans," Ja'far told her. He had been the reason she had fought on stage the first time, a wooden short sword as Kieran looked at her with a fake cutlass in his hand. "More likely film work, he thinks you and Miss MacLea will do well together."

"I don't mind the timetable my father gave me," she told him after a long pause, taking the highlighter he was giving her anyway. The subjects that Mr Sliversmith had picked were ones someone wanting to get into law or crime investigation would need.

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