Chapter 1

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(Authors Note) Hey guys so um this is my first x reader story so cut me some slack if it sucks.. 'Kay? ^.^

So normally fo r outfits or objects if it says something like this (black/white) you can choose which one ya want :p

let's do dis


Chapter 1

Your POV

It's been about eight months or more since you've come along with Zayn and become the sixth member of One Direction. So today the lads decided to throw you a party to celebrate.

You woke up exhausted, thinking you might stay in bed all day. But something told you, you should go down stairs; you got our of bed and wrapped your (Favorite Color) robe around yourself, put on your (white/blue) slippers and went down stairs.

"Shhh! (Name) is coming!" You hear a familiar Bradford accent whisper/yell.

You rolled your eyes and finally made it to the first floor of the flat, or apartment, and saw nothing but the furniture; so you sat down on the couch and read a book.

Everything seemed peaceful but then all of a sudden, Liam, Zayn and Louis jumped out from behind the couch you were sitting on and threw confetti everywhere.

"Surprise!" All three of them yelled in your ear making you yelp a bit. You dramatically placed your hand on your chest.

"Damn it, guys! You almost gave me a heart attack.." Louis smirked at you.

"Do you know what cures heart attacks?.. Group hugs!" He said as he ran to you with Zayn and almost tacking you. Liam stood thinking in place.

"Well it wouldn't really cure a heart attack. In fact it might be enough to make it worse." He mumbled to himself. But you could hardly hear him since Zayn and Louis were squeezing the life out of you.

"Z-Zayn...Louis," you wheezed out, "I c-can't breathe." They both let go of you with innocent looks, as if saying 'we didn't do anything.'

You sighed and told them that you'd be right back before going upstairs to change out of your pajamas. After getting out of your robe you changed into a (color) V-neck, (blue/black) skinny jeans, (color) converse, and (curled/straightened) your (hair color) hair.

Once you were done changing you went downstairs and joined Zayn in the kitchen. "Hey (Name). Happy anniversary." He said lovingly with a smile, holding his arms out waiting for a hug. You smiled back and hugged him. 

"Thanks Zayn.." You mumbled into his neck. Since you joined you've received various tweets and messages not exactly the nicest ones; you could only imagine what you'd receive today.

The doorbell separated your hug, but you didn't mind. When you opened the doorbell you found your three best friends, besides Zayn of course. Perrie, Danielle (a/n late? Yes but in the story it's like early January 2012 so ) and Eleanor, all three of them holding a silver box.

"(Name)! Congratulations!" They all said at the same time, almost rehearsed. You gave them a warm smile and moved a side so they could enter.
"Thanks guys, come on in."

Once they were inside they all went to greet the lads with a kiss. It got a bit awkward since they were all cuddling and you were just standing there. The doorbell rang again putting you out of the awkward situation.

"I'll get it." You said to no one in particular, not like they were listening anyway. You opened the door and saw a blonde Irish boy smiling at you tenderly. He was holding a single red rose and a long black box.

"Hey (Name)." He said before giving you the rose, you took a quick whiff of the rose.

"Hi Niall." You greeted him once you were inside. He hugged you tightly. "I'm glad you're here Nialler..." You whispered to him, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.

"Well, I do live here." He teased as he pulled away from you. You noticed he was blushing too, both of your faces were so close to each other that you feel his breath on your face. Then you noticed that both of you were leaning in closer..and closer.. It was also very noticeable that all eyes in the room were focused on you two. When your lips barely touched..

The door bell rang..again..

The sudden noise caused both of you to jolt back, blushing furiously. "Seriously?" Liam whisper/yelled.

"Calm down Liam I got it." You mumbled as you opened the door once again. You heard Zayn walk up to Niall with a pat on his back.

"Next time bud." Once it was open you saw a green-eyed curly haired boy standing with a dozen roses and a small box with (Name) engraved on it.

"Heeey, got you something!" He said showing his dimples. Though you were a bit upset you tried your best to give him a small smile.

"Hey Harry." Even you could hear the disappointment in your voice. His smile automatically turned into frown.

"(Name).. Is something wrong?" He asked concerned once he was inside. You weren't really sure what or how to tell him, but when you opened your mouth Zayn cut you off.

"Well, Harry. Let's just say what could've been a fun time for (Name) and Nialler, didn't happen because of the chime of a bell." Zayn said with a bit of attitude.

 'I thought Louis was supposed to be the sassy one..' You thought to yourself.

Harry looked more confused. "Um..what?"

Eleanor let go of Louis' hand and walked over to Harry. "Harry.. Let's go upstairs and I'll explain what happened."

(Authors Note)
~hehehe small cliff hanger ;)

Um..again I'm sorry if it sucks

And if it's short

I tried ;-;

Don't hate me

I hope you liked it :)...

Until next time


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