For @Fatiawzun - cute/dirty

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Your boyfriend Justin is on Ellen's

Ellen : So how are things going between you and Fammay?

Justin: Its great. I mean i love her bro. Like a lot. And i havent seen her in two weeks and i already miss her

The crowd : aww

You werent watching the interview but you knew Justin was on Ellen's and you decided to send him a text to be sure he doesnt embarass you in anyway

Justins phone beeps in the middle of the show. He looks down to read the text

Ellen : What is it?

Justin: a text from Fammay

Ellen: read it!

Justin : you better not say anything embarassing or you wont be getting any of this toniiiii...... 

He looks at the camera and says

Justin : i love you baby

After the show you and Justin were together backstage just about to leave. You got in the elevator. You were both freaked of elevators but you just wanted to go home and cuddle in front of the tv

About halfway through the elevator stopped and you freaked out and started crying

Justin hugged you tight

Justin: no baby its ok dont cry

He placed soft kisses on yoir forehead and your head was on his chest

Justin: babe its alright we'll get out of here and we'll go home and watch movies and eat popcorn and cuddle under the blankets all night long

You : really?

Justin : yeah baby

The elevator shaked a little and you started crying again

Justin held you tighter

Justin: baby its ok im here i'll protect you

Soon after the elevator started moving

Justin : see baby its ok the elevator is moving its ok

You lift your head up and smile at him

You got out of the elevator and went home. You and Justin cuddled under the blankets all night long just in your underwear and enjoying the hotness of each others body

Hope you like it Fammay

To everybody:

1. Next image will be a lot more dirty i have already started writing it

2. Requests are open

Justin Bieber Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now