Imagine 15

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Your POV

I was in the plane to see my boyfriend  Justin while he was on tour when i felt my tummy hurt. I went to the bathroom.              

"Oh damn" i said.       

It was exactly what i tought it was.

Great now how am i gonna tell this to Justin. The rest of the flight i listened to music.          

When the plane landed Justin picked me up at the airport, hugged me and gave me a passionate kiss

Me : Umm baby im really really sorry but we wont be able to do something tonight....      

Justin : Aww youre on your monthly arent you?          

Me : Um yeah. Sorry baby           

Justin : Nothing to be sorry for, princess       

Me : But i tought you ...   

Justin : Babe dont worry ok ? I fell in love with you not your pussy      

Me : Aww baby i love you too

Justin : Ok. Lets go to the hotel now.        

We got into the cab . When we arrived at the hotel, we went to the room and i sat on the bed         

Justin : Be right back      

Me : Okay       

He got his jacket and left. What is this boy up to now ?      

Half an hour later he came back into the room          

Justin : Close your eyes baby         

I did as told              

He put something cold on my lap. I felt him move around the room          

Justin : Okay baby now open your eyes          

I opened them and looked around.

He pressed a button at the CD player and Yours Truly started playing. He put a big tub of caramel ice cream on my lap and there were caramel scented candles and a boquet of roses on the table

Me : Aww baby you did all this for me ?     

Justin : Yes beautiful. Because i love you and i want you to feel better      

He put three movies in front of me      

Justin : So. Which one are we watching first ?     

Me : Catching fire      

Justin : Ok babe       

He put on the movie and layed next to me in the bed. He pulled me closer and started to rub my tummy. I looked at him      

Justin : Do you feel better baby?

Me: I feel amazing. But how did you remember my favorites ?

Justin : Baby i remember what you say even when im ton the xbox with Ryan

Me : I love you

Justin : I love you too princess

That night we cuddled , ate ice cream, watched movies and listened to Yours Truly

Justin Bieber Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now