Imagine 19

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Your POV

I woke up naked in Justins tight embrace and i tought of last night.

Justin : Morning beautiful

Me : Morning

Justin : Whats up ?

Me : Huh ?

Justin : I know youre hiding something. I know you too well

Me : I will just tell you later

Justin : Ok. Wanna go eat ?

Me : Sure

We went downstairs and ate and then we went out

Justins POV

When we came back home i pinned Y/N at the wall

Me : What is it ?

She gave me a confused look

Me : What is it that youre hiding from me ?

Y/N : I will tell you later ok ?

Me : No you tell me now


I slapled her. Nobody yells at me


She tried to push me away

Y/N : Get off me !

She kept trying to lush me and i punched her stomach. She fell on the ground crying. Oh no ! What did i just do ?

Y/N : Don't ever do that again !

I will never do that again but i tried to sound indifferent

Me : Why ? Who would stop me ?

Y/N : Justin you could kill the baby

your POV

I looked at him in tears and his look changed. This is not how i was planning to tell him

He got on his knees and put a hand on my belly. He smiled, but his eyes were full of tears

Justin : Im.. im gonna be a father

Then he looked at me

Justin : Im so sorry baby girl if i only knew... and even if i didnt i still have no right to punch my angel

I pulled him close and hid his face in my chest

Me : Justin its ok baby

Justin : But why didnt you tell me ?

Me : I was afraid you'd leave i mean you're young and youre famous and millions of girls love you. I was afraid you didnt want to take care of a child

Justin : What ? Y/N you' ve just made me the happiest i have ever been right now. Im gonna be a father. We're gonna have a little Bieber running around the house !

I hugged him tighter and i felt him smile

He looked at me

Justin : Im sorry baby for everything i have ever done that hurt you for every time i madw you sad but i swear this will never happen again. I will protect you and our child from anything and anybody i swear

Me : I love you baby

Justin : I love you too

Just then Fredo walked in the house

He looked at us confused.

Fredo : Is it the "Lets hug on the floor" day and i don't know?

Justin Bieber Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now