Businessman Bieber

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Businessman Bieber

Part 3

Your POV

Justin: As flattered as i am by your offer to spank you, we must behave for at least another hour before i can get us out of here

I pouted and kissed his lips

Justin:  For the record, i do have the metal balls with me but I'm afraid that would only make your wait longer

Me: Let's try

Justin:  Are you sure?

Me: Yes i am

Justin: Ok then. As you wish. Shall i accompany you to the bathroom or can you insert them yourself

Me: You do it

Justin: As you wish

He grabbed my arm and we went to the closest bathroom.  Once we were in a cabin Justin sat on the toilet and pulled the balls out of his pocket

Justin: Bend over my knee

I did as told and he used his hand to pull my dress up and my panties aside

Justin: They don't need to be lubricated. You're wet enough

He slowly inserted the balls in my pussy, one at a time, until all four of them were in. He then pulled my panties and my dress back in their proper position and sat me up

Justin: Let's see if you can resist until we get home

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