Getting Attached

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Getting Attached....

"You fall in love with the most unexpected, at the most unexpected time."

-HpLyrikz on Tumblr

"I love you" He said again.

"How can you love me you barely know me. We had one dance tonight in the club and a few drinks. Then yah beat my ex's ass in my driveway. Then you bust ya ass up in my house and now you tryna spend the night.! Now all of a sudden you talking bout some you love me!" I started flipping out and rambling

He laughed to himself "you really don't remember me huh?"

"why would I?" I stared at him in confusion.

"You remeber that chubby boy from the 9th grade that had the biggest crush on you...always was buyin you stuff...always telling you not to mess with dudes because he knew he would hurt you...and finally 11th grade year I guess you got sick of him and told him to fuck off and stay out of your life?" He looked into my eyes

It was then at that very moment I realized. When he looked deep in my eyes and I recognized him. He was that annoying fat boy from high school that was always butting in my life. Jinxing my relationships with his bullshit. I always knew though he was just trying to protect me. He wasn't like the other guys though. He just geniuenly cared about me.

"Omg...your...your Tre'von Marshall...." I said in shock and realization

Tre'von half smiled and shook his head yes. I could tell he was a little disappointed I didn't reconginze him. How could I though honestly? High school was like 5 years ago. To recognize him I would of had to been thinking about high school. Why I be thinking bout people from high school in a club. Tre'von looked totally diferent...he wasn't fat anymore, he had abs, muscles, he didn't have anymore acne, The glasses were gone, an he didn't have his braces...he might of lost those senior year though. Anyway point is he is completely different now.

"Tre'von....your" I studdered not knowing what to say

"..much better lookin?" Tre'von said in a form of a question

"no no...I mean.."

"So im not better looking?" he asked interrupting me

"no you do i was just gonna look way different and thats why I didn't recognize you not because I didn't remeber you...can I be honesty with you?"

"of course sweetheart"

"I use to...always think about you a lot really...whenever something would go wrong in my relationship I would think about how if it I was still in high school, how you woulda warned me...well up until i cursed you sorry for that too I shouldn't of been that mean you were just trying to look out for me. Maybe if I had been so worried about finding Mr. Right or Mr. Perfect to marry me, I wouldn't have been so hard heade. I always thought but what I would do if I ever say you again. I wondered if you would accept my apology or if you would just blow me off. I wondered if you had ever found someone. I wondered if you had moved outta state. I would think about you when I would get beat, sit there and cry silently thinking about what you were doing or where you were... I wo-" I was cut off by him putting his finger on my lips to shut me up.

"Stop. I'm here now...and nothing is ever gonna hurt you again, and dont apolgize. No need...I never took those words to heart. I knew you were worried about your reputation for being popular and I was running guys away from you. What you said..I needed...I lied a few seconds ago i guess...I took what you said to heart but in the way I needed. I changed my life with those words."

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