Meeting the father

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Meeting the father.....

"she's my princess, not your conquest

I don't mind going back to jail." -??

Vincent POV:

"oh I almost forgot" I walked over to Tre and grabbed his hand "Dad...this is my fiance Tre'von." I know she did not just say what I think she just said...she's gone for three years and comes back engaged without warning?!

"You're what?!" I clenched my fist

She walked over and grabbed my arms with that sweet delicate touch of hers that always made me melt. My babygirl knew how to get to me. She poked out her lip and made that pouty face that always got to me and begged my to be nice.

"Daddy please be nice. He's a nice guy and I really think you'll like him. He's not like the other assholes I dated in high school I swear. Just give him a chance daddy pleaseee for me." She made her pouty face one last time and buried her head in my chest.

I rubbed her back and hugged her "Okay princess, I promise i'll behave and get to know him."

"thank you daddy." She smiled up at me.

I smiled back down at my babygirl and kissed her forehead. "you and Kaitlyn go sit in the living room and get to know you little half brothers and sister."

She nodded her head and started walking towards the living room when she turned around and gave me that "you better be nice" / "dont fuck this up for me" look. I put my hands up in innocence and she walked in the living room.

"Come on son. Follow me." I lead him to my office down the hallway, which was sound proof.

I walked in and stood by the door waiting for him to walk in and closed the door behind him. He stood by the desk and waited until I sat down to sit down. So he knows his stuff...hmm okay he passed the first test partly.

"smoke?" I asked while rolling up a blunt

"you mind sir?" he raised his eyebrow

I chuckled "not at all son" I passed him a bag of weed and paper

I could tell he was nervous even though he was trying to hide it. I watched him roll a good blunt and was impressed with his skills. I only offered the blunt cause I knew it would calm him a little. I promised my babygirl I would be nice and I NEVER break a promise espically not to my princess or my barbie doll (London). I lit my blunt and passed the lighter to him.

"So what's your name son?"

He took a puff and answered "Tre'von."

"Tre'von...sounds familiar...last name?"

He smiled "Tre'von Williams"

I looked him up and down..this could not be my princess old stalked friend Tre'von. I actually liked him, beacuse he looked out for my princess. He gave me names and all kinds of info on the dudes who broke my daughter heart when she was in high school. Even after she cut him off he still kept me up to date. I really liked his ass....but this could not be him. Tre'von I knew was fat and chubby and he use to be all smart and proper...never showed signs of wanting to smoke or drink at that. Could this be him?

I sat up in my chair and took a puff of my blunt "Tre'von? Tre'von? like my nigga from back when my princess was in high school and middle school? Same nigga that been at my house so much I thought of him as my own?"

He smiled at the last one "yes sir." he said as he took another hit.

"my niggaaa" I reached across the table and dapped him up. "man you lost a lot of weight homes and you look hella different bruh, I didn't even know it was you."

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