Ch.5 The Hideout.

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Soni pov
I ran towards the school bus,before the driver began to drive.
That was very close...Almost...
You see, I overslept again, so I hurried, got dressed,and weirdly ran as fast as I can.
Silvia and Shiloh were already waiting for me.
I gulped, not knowing what will happen if I get in trouble with Shiloh.
"You slept late again?"Shiloh said,crossing her arms.
I nodded.
"Told you."Said Silvia.
I sigh at my two sisters and I thought,'This day can't get any worse...'
But it did.
Aaron, a guy who has...*gulp*deep feelings for me.
But I tried to ignore it.
"Aaron,how are you."
"I'm good thanks for asking,who this?" He ask looking at Shiloh.
"This is Shiloh l,the new girl at our  school."
"Hi I'm Aaron,Aaron Ross."
"Nice to meet you." Shiloh said,coldly,probably still mad at me.
Silvia,who was silent the whole time yelled,"The bus!!It's leaving!! "
We all looked.
We were so deep in our conversation, the bus was about to leave.
Without thinking what so ever,I zoomed to the bus and knocked on the door.
The bus driver opened it.
"Sorry,didn't see ya the kids,hop in."
We all in the bus and found our seats.
Aaron looked at me with surprise in his eyes.
"How do you do that?"
One student asked me.
I shrugged and I just remember that I 'super speed,' to bus in 0.5 seconds.
I lay on the bus seat and suddenly fell asleep.
Soni!! Nice to meet ya,I'm Sonic,Sonic the hedgehog.
Well it nice to meet you to Sonic,what happened?How was I so fast,I mean, I was named the fastest girl in school but never did 0.5 seconds.
Well,you inhibit my super speed.
Wait.. You were called the fastest thing alive...wait,I heard about you!!
Really where?
In the town library, it says,the fastest unusual creature,who saved the world,millions of times, Sonic the hedgehog.
Was I that famous??
Yeah,you saved the world a millions,tines,but it also said you were defeated at times..
Yea,by Egghead..
Dr.Eggman,the world most villain in all times but fails miserably??
That's him.
Hey,my sister.. had a dream last night,someone was calling her...'Silver' and told her we had a list sister which we found.
But now, we have 4 weeks to get ready for a battle, which happened in a vision we had.
I can totally see what going on,you guys will get used to our powers,vlbut first,gets a key.
For what!?
A secret hideout, the Chris made in case...I don't know i wasn't actually listening.
Typical Sonic
HEY!I have a heart to!!
Tells me about sisters,are you guys close.
You try!!
One is your youngest triplet, Silvia,she very naive and easy to trick and always falling for your pranks
Yep,but she hasn't figured out it was me!!
Just like Silver,how about you other sister.
Well I Haven't know her,when we were born,but I do know that she's really mature,clearly the opposite of me
I can totally tell.
I better get,going, when we'll meet again??
Anytime soon.
I woke up and hold the key in my hands.
I looked at it and has a note saying,Lab at bottom of school,follow the blue and red marks
Sign, Chris.
"Aaron,Silvia,Shiloh,follow the blue and red paint. It important."
That all looked at me then nodded.
After,at least 5 minutes, we found a metal door.
I grab the key and opened it.
We gasped, its full of gadgets, saw,Talia,my 8 year old friend, her blond hair was a mess and her blue eyes were focused on a giant portal.
"Tails,I need a screwdriver."
Then , a small two tailed,which looks also 8, grabbed a screwdriver and handed to Talia.
"So what's is the portal gonna do??" Talia ask.
"Well if I can remember,this portal will help find the chaos emeralds,which are separated  around the whole world."
We all looked at each other.
"Hey,Talia!!" I cried
Talia dropped her screwdriver,and Tails jumped in surprised.
" long you've been doing that?" Aaron ask,pointed at the giant portal.
"Tails wanted me to make a portal,so I can help his friends and the chaos emeralds."
We all nodded.
"How did you get in?"
Tails ask.
I showed me the key.
"Well,Sonic gave it to me."
Tails smiled,but had a sad look in his eyes.
"I know you miss him." I said.
Tails nodded.
"What are 'Chaos Emeralds?'"Shiloh ask,folding her arms,clearly not in the mood.
"Well how can I explain it?"
"There 7 gems that keep some universes in balanced." Said a red Encridna.
"I thought those kind were extinct."
"I'm the last one,got a problem??"
I shook my head,"What's you name?"
"We should get to class, bye,we'll be back after school.
In class, I could stop thinking about the portal.
Having trouble??
"Never been this glad your voice." I whispered.
Hey,I'm just curious about that portal as you are!!And that Aaron dude, to put it.
"Socially in to me." I whispers again.
Kinda,any who, the chaos emeralds are a round the world again.Do you know any thing about chaos emeralds or where they could be?
I shook my head,"No idea."
Sonic sighs.
Then a cloud of blue smoke came though the class window and inserted it self,in my right eye.
I screamed in pain.
The teacher immediately called the school nurse and walked me there and saw Silvia,Shiloh, Aaron,Brandon,Ron,and Kyla covering their right eyes.
"It happened to you guys to."
They all nodded.
The nurse examined ourceyes and said,there was nothing wrong but our right eyes are now different.
1000 words

3 Girls;Same world,A Sonic storyWhere stories live. Discover now