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The constant ticking of the clock surely got on my nerves. I looked up at the clock 5 more minutes till this period ends and 5 more minutes till I can leave this school. I hurry up and collect my things hoping while I do so the time will pass by quickly so I can walk outside into the fresh air. As soon as I put my last item in my bag the bell erupted causing everyone to rush and get their things in their bag. I got up and followed the rushing crowd leading outside. As I got nearer to the exit the crowd got slowly smaller. I walked to right the opposite way of my house and sat outside near the park. Listening to the birds singing and the wind blowing and faint voices is incredibly peaceful. I took out my journal and wrote down a few lines that suddenly popped up in my head.
"I was thinking about the day we met
And the love came rushing out and you were empty-handed filled with regret" I then faintly sung it wondering if this could be a great start of a song. It sounds good so I kept it in my journal. I looked at the time on my watch and realized it passed seven. I quickly gathered up all my belongings and walked down the sidewalk that leaded to my house.
I opened the door and closed it behind me making sure to lock it. I was greeted by my grandma and hugged her. I always loved her hugs it would always remind me of my loving mom.
I sat down and joined my grandma for dinner. I then went upstairs after saying goodnight to my grandma.
I entered my bathroom and stripped down and went into my shower. The soothing water dripping down my back was so relaxing. After my hour long shower I got dressed for bed. I heard a slight knock on my door. I walked up to the door and opened and saw my little sister in her dance cloths. I hugged her goodnight and told her to go take a shower.

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