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Just great. Just what I needed.... to go to Detention. I walked down the cold gray steps bumping into someone. I kept my head low and mumbled a sorry. I kept walking and this someone followed behind me and it was getting very annoying. I just kept walking ignoring this persons presence. When I reached the door I finally turned around and spot blonde flecks of hair underneath his gray beanie. He wore a white shirt and black skinny jeans. I faced the door once again when he spot me looking at him. I turned the knob and opened it to see 5 other people who has there attention on us.

I placed myself on a empty chair that was near the front. The blondie sat in back. "I would never think that Laura Marano, Vanessa Burton, Rydel Anderson, Riker Hicks, Rocky Smith, Ross Lynch and Ellington Ratliff would ever be in this very Detention Room." Miss Reznick confirmed her opinion. I looked around. Miss Reznick and I actually passed paths a few times. "The rules are simple. No eating. No drinking. No sleeping. No talking. No texting. If any of you guys break a rule you have another day of Detention that simple." She mumbled quickly.
"All right, I have decided rather than let you twiddle your little thumbs for the next hour, we are going to put those thumbs to use . We are going to clean this room up we are going to unpack these instruments turn this storage room to a music room! I mean might as well try right? We've been banished to the basement." She one ditzy teacher. The toilet flushed constantly interrupting her multiple times. "That's it I'm going to show Mr.Wicket  a piece of his mind! And while I do, I want you guys to start cleaning up or something." She existed the room. "She can't make us clean it's cruel and unusual punishment." Someone said that was not familiar. "Welcome to high school."Rocky said. I gave him a friendly wave he smiled and waved back. "This school stinks." The girl confirmed. "Can you guys just do what Miss Reznick asked and be quiet I don't want to here again." Rydel stated. All of us got up and started cleaning around putting supplies and items and placed them in areas that it was needed. I turned around and observed the other kids. They were all cleaning and instrument. A few had smiles on there faces. Ross, The girl, Riker and Rocky started strumming of the guitar. Rydel started playing the piano. It went good with the song I started on yesterday.
I was thinking about the day we met
When the love came rushing out
and you're empty handed filled with regret
I was thinking about the day we met
When the love came rushing out
and you're empty handed filled with regret

Our love is running out
Our love is running
Our love is running
Our love is running out
Our love is running, running running out

Our love is running out
Our love is running
Our love is running
Our love is running out
Our love is running, running running out

I remember when I saw you cry
Like a waterfall you carried me
The way we just look into your eyes
I remember when I saw you cry
Like a waterfall you carried me

The way we just look into your eyes
Our love is running out
Our love is running
Our love is running
Our love running out
Our love is running, running running out

Our love is running out
Our love is running
Our love is running
Our love is running out
Our love is running, running running out
"That was so cool." I heard the girl say.
"That was awesome." I heard someone else say but I was to busy looking at the floor. I then heard the door open and Miss Reznick came in.
"Oh I'm really sorry. We just started to,um.... We were just." We all stuttered and scattered to our seats. "Shhh.Shh" Miss Reznick started your
"We weren't....I...Uh-" We all started saying but interrupted by Miss Reznick .
"Shh!Let me think. I need to think."

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