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I walked to down the halls seeing people greeting people in there groups. I walked to my locker putting my things in there. I took out my phone and pressed the power button. I looked at the time 20 minutes till my first period. Just enough time to finish my book. I grabbed my book, my bag and my supplies needed for my 1st period. I walked to the janitor closet and walked in closing the door behind me. I sat down on the bench and opened my Harry Potter book relocating the page 117. I shifted my right leg on top of my left leg. I didn't notice that the brooms were resting on my right leg. So when I moved it they all started crashing down. I dropped my book losing the page and jumped from the sudden noise I hurried and tried to put the brooms back. I then heard the door creak I slowly looked up and saw Mr. Wicket (the principal) with a Detention slip. I slowly grabbed it and pushed it fully in my hand.

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