Different people from Different times from Different places all join in one room. I bet you think that's highly impossible.....
"In order to attain the impossible one must attempt the absurd."
And they attempted the absurd.
Newer version of The Ban...
I always wonder why do we have to work so hard, accomplish things, if we are just going to die at the end. Why give it your all if it's going to end? "What is the meaning of life?" may be one of the most profound questions of human existence or nothing more than a nonsensical request built on conceptual confusion, much like, "What does the color orange taste like?" We have had that same question for decades yet we still don't have an answer: You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. - Albert Camus. Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. I mean we live on this Earth. We have one life why waste it on a question when we bring this Earth to life. But I still wonder to this day what it truly means. I threw on a brown crop top sweater. Black mid-waist skinny jeans. And curled my hair.
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I walked downstairs the stairs creaking behind me. I grabbed my keys and exit the house. I commenced my journey to the Newly opened Starbucks. When I opened the door the fresh delightful smell of cinnamon hit me. I walked to the end of line. I was finally in front. "Welcome to Starbucks what would you like to have today." I looked up and saw his breathtaking eyes which was slightly covered by his blonde hair." "Um can I have the pumpkin spice latte with 2 cinnamon rolls please." "Wait, Laura is that you." "Oh hey Ross." "What are you doing here." "Well I wanted a latte so I came here." Ross blushed in embarrassment. "Right I'll get you that." I sat down in the corner next to the window. I observed the people walking by. Some were in a hurry, some were in love, some looked like they had a bad past, other looks like they are perfectly fine. It's amazing how all these people has so many stories. Some don't even get to tell about it. Sometimes I feel like I'm just dreaming. That I'll just wake up and nothing will be okay. My thought was interrupted by the sound of a cup hitting the table. I raised my head up and notice it was my table and my latte. "Thank you, how much." He then leaned in close to ear. "On the house, just don't tell my boss." He left me before I could say anything, but he couldn't leave without a wink." -------------------------------------------------- "Okay any song ideas for Rising Star." "Well for starters we already know we have 6 minutes on stage we would need 2 songs how about I'll sing one song and Ross would sing another." I stated. "I'm thinking we should do a up beat song. Wait did they ever say we can't make a cover or a song?" Ross asked "Umm yeah we can't do that." I replied. "Hey how does this sound I found it in my book.. Take away your things and go You can't take back what you said, I know I've heard it all before, at least a million times I'm not one to forget, you know I don't believe, I don't believe it." I sing the best I can. "It's a good starter let's keep working on it. " Rydel suggested.