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Jackie's P.O.V

I hummed to the song on the speaker. Cutting up some cilantro and onion. I served Kian four tacos.

"Mmmm thanks babe." He mumbled through the crushed up food.

"You're welcome."I giggled.

Soon after J.C, Ricky, and Dom walked in.

"Damn Jac, your tacos smell good as fuck. Wanna give me some?" J.C said, picking at the meat on the stove.

"Mhm. Go ahead make yourself some, the meat is on the stove."

We all sat down to eat and talk. We played never have we ever for a while before going to the living room and watching movies.

Soon after Dom and J.C went to record videos. It was now just Kian, Em, and me. Kian was playing with Em like usual and trying to get her to speak.

"Say paaa." Kian said to Emmy who was beginning to babble.

"Pah pah pah." She giggled, playing with his long fingers.

"She said her first words!" Kian smiled widely.

"Come one Em! Say pa." I smiled.

"Paaahhhh." She said.

I giggled along with her and clapped. He kept her on his lap and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"You're cute." He smiled.

"You're sweet."

"You're mine."

"And you're mine."

"You're so beautiful."

"Pahhhhh." Em interrupted us, bouncing up and down.

We laughed and continued to play with her. The doorbell rang, making all of us snap our heads in the direction.

"Who's that?" Kian asked, playing with Emmy.

"Pah?" Em said, tilting her head.

I laughed and ruffled her hair before getting up and walking to the door. There wasn't a peep hole so I needed to fully open the door.

"Hi. . ." Shawn trailed off, scratching the back of his neck and looking down at his shoes.

"PAH!" Em squealed, waddling to the door, Kian on her heels.

As he looked up his smile quickly dropped.

"Hey baby girl." Shawn smiled at the babbling baby.

She continued to babble as Kian strolled up to us.

"What are you doing here?!" I snarled at him.

"I came to see my two favor-" Kian quickly cut him off and took Emmy from him.

"They're not yours. What the fuck do you want?!" He yelled, covering the baby's ears.

"Last time I checked Jackie and I were dating. You're holding my baby. I came to check up on my family." Shawn growled.

"The best thing you can do right now is leave Shawn." I said, stepping in front of Kian.

Knowing him he was going to throw a punch sooner or later.


"But nothing Mendes! You can't just show up here when your life isn't going the was you planed it to be. You can't show up and ruin my life and our kid's life when ever the hell you feel like playing family." I snapped, my voice cracking.

"Jackie I'm s-"

"Sorry isn't going to make up all the time I spent alone late at night, taking care of our baby. Sorry isn't going to fix the fact that Kian and I am watching Em grow up while you're in who knows where singing for your fans. Sorry isn't going to fix the fact that I was at the top of my career and I left it all thinking you and I were going to form a happy little family! I gave up my record deal for our baby. You gave up us for your record deal. Don't come here and yell at Kian ever again you understand? He stepped up and helped me when you backed out and left me." I spat.

I felt Kian wrap and arm around me as I finally got everything off my chest. Shawn stood at the door, realisation hitting him hard. I took it as my chance and slammed the door on his face.

"Well that was unexpected. ." Kian said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Jaythee." Em said as J.c jogged down the stairs.

"What was that?" He asked, a wide smile forming in his lips.

"Jaythee." She babbled, clapping her hands.

"She said my name!!!! EVERYONE! EM SAID MY MOTHER FUCKING NAME!" He yelled, fist pumping the air.

He carefully picked her up and ran up the stairs. She giggled and waved.

"I'm never gonna leave you Jacks. The only one who could decide that is you babe." He said, looking me in the eye.

"Thanks Kian." I creed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We shared a deep sweet kiss. But like always it was cut short. We were being bombed with silly string and paper balls.

"You're gonna turn my baby into a delinquent!" I yelled, Kian covering me from being hit.

"Stopppp!" I squealed.

"J.C!" He yelled, running up the stairs.

Dom and Ricky started to throw stuffed animals at Kian, causing him to fall down the stairs. I laughed and couldn't breathe at the scene.

I love these guys. . .

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