Part Six - Awoke

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We woke up in a deserted dark room. Chained up, I was bored, so I had the entertainment of watching the lights flicker on and off until I had an explanation. Trevor was not awake yet but hopefully soon he would be. The lights turned to staying on and I observed the room thoroughly. There was a dirty sink and right next to it was a set of cabinets, one of them wide open. The chains were pretty lengthy so I moved my body a little closer to that cabinet to see what was in there. When I was there, I grabbed the thing closest to me and examined the container. I rattled it around and it sounded as multiple things were in there. I assumed they were pills though. As I kept looking at the bottle, I realized we might've been captured by the ones who were dealing counterfeit drugs. Astonished, I felt a tap of on my shoulder.

"Enjoying it in here?" someone behind me said. I turned to look and the person was wearing a mask that was made to hide their identity. They had a male tone to their voice so I assumed it was a guy.

"I want answers." I told him.

"About what?"

"What do you think?!" I said madly.

"Oh, see you're being held hostage right now because we know you're up to something with the FBI to shut us down. Is your little friend on this too?"

"No he isn't, we were just hanging out." I replied

I heard steps coming down the stairs, they sounded like multiple people. Two guys came down and they looked like bodyguards. Then some very quiet steps came down the stairs. It was her.

"Oh this is dream for me to watch. I'm finally watching you be in trouble because I wasn't there at school the day you got suspended for 10 days. I found out because some kid rapped about you getting suspended for 14,400 minutes."

"Do I look like I care?" I replied.

"Yes you do" she replied and smirked at me. Trevor was waking up. He confused by what was going on.

"I'm so much more than you now. Look you're on the ground and I'm standing up..." She blabbed on and on to me as Trevor broke out of his chains and let me out too.

"Oh look I'm out of the chains and staying up." I said to her.

"How did you get out?"she replied.

"Just some help, something you're never going to get." I said as I punched her face harshly.

"Oh you're going to pay" she said back. She slapped me but it had no effect so I laughed and dropped her the ground, punching and kicking as hard as I could, until I knocked her out good, leaving her unconscious. Her bodyguards forcefully pulled me back from her and called 911. They came 10 minutes and I was arrested while she was escorted by the ambulance. 

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