Loving Someone

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Another weird thing that doesn't go with the story.
I promise I love someone. How much I don't know. They walk past me and I cry the most beautiful sound. What do I do? I don't know. Should I let that person go. That person was never mind. Will this person be mine ever. Will I get the chance to see this person this person happy. They walk with everything on their shoulders. I am a friend to this person. They tell me everything. I feel their pain and happiness. They pretend to be happy for my sake but I pretend to not like this person the way I do. Every I love you means something else. I hear it differently. I say it differently. It has different definitions for us. This person says they are not hurt but I can see how he treats you. I'm just a star in the sky who wants to be seen. My light isn't bright enough. I'm not big enough. And the other stars outshine me. Who I am when I love someone who will never love me back. They will never know but I will know forever. My love could go on forever. It's like a never dying sun. It's light gets bigger and bigger and brighter and brighter. It's like the moon that shines though the darkness. It's like the wind that blows you away. It's like the rain that washes over you. It's like the snow that makes you smile. However it's also like a hurricane that destroys you. It'll blow you too far from where you need to be. It'll drench you in sorrow. It'll shake you to the ground. It might even crush you. But somehow you still get up. You walk through the rummage and into the grass. I don't know what to do. It's not something that I'm used to. I look at that person with my whole life line. I looks at this person like I'll be able to see again. I see little things. Like the curve in their face, the little freckles on their nose, the cuts on their lips, the remainder of food on their cheek, and every little detail I love. I love the way they look at the sky. I love the way they talk about the stars in sky. I love the way they look at the birds and the flowers. However I hate they way they look at me. I'm nothing special. I'm just another face of a friend. I'm the in between. No one likes me because no one can see me. I'm just the person people come for guidance.  I'm the person people talk to. I love a person. I love a person. I love a person. There is a difference between I love you and I'm in love with you. I love you can be taken as something special but I don't. It doesn't have the same importance. We were taught to say I love you to family and friends. But I'm in love with you says something else. You don't say I'm in love with you to your mom. It's just weird. I'm in love with you stated that you love that person and have fallen in the state of love with that person. In Spanish most people say te quiero to family and friends and te amo to their boyfriend or girlfriend or wife or husband. Te quiero translates exactly to I want you but it's not taken that way. It's taken as I love you with a lesser feeling. You can say te quiero to a significant other. But it's usually before te amo. Usually people are not in the te amo stage yet. Te amo translates to I love you. But it's taken as I'm in love with you. Te amo. Te amo. Te amo. I haven't said this to anyone. I'm in love with you. Te amo. How does it feel to be in love with someone. It's feel painful because the other person doesn't know nor does this person feel the same I know it. It hurts me is many ways. I love someone. It's the most real, beautiful, and painful thing ever. Loving someone was a mistake.

Just realized you people could've taken this as if it was me taking about someone I love but I'm not. It just came to my mind and I wrote it. Its not about me. Or is it😏. Jkjkjkjk or am I?😏😏😏

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