Chapter 1

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"How did it go?" A familiar voice says when I walk in the doorway to our room.

I sit on my bed to take off my black high boots and say, "Just as planned; clean shot. The mission is complete, we can go home."

Home. The base where most are born. The place were I am betrothed to someone I don't know yet. The room I share with my best friend as we were assigned to be partners on missions. The quarters where my childhood was taken from me and replaced by training to become a warrior or what most people call us, assassins. A seat that is earned by rising in the ranks. The prison I grew up in.

"How did yours go?" I ask Felice who is brushing her hair. Most people say it's the only thing they can tell us apart by. Mine is dirty blond and wavy while hers is golden and straight.

"Perfect." That means two more targets down and two more clients happy. "I'll call it in." I step outside the hotel room and into the cold air. I dial the only number and they pick up instantly.

"Rosella, done already?" Our instructor, Maze, says.

"Your'e going easy on us, we're ready to come home."

"Be there in twenty." I hang up the phone. Back in the room I take a quick shower. I put back on my black dress that has a crew neck and is low high shift. Ten minutes later Felice and I walk out the room just as a car pulls up. We get in and were off to home.

"It's an exiting night girls. Two more missions complete and its Ceremonial Night. Everyone is waiting for your return to start."

Maze talks all the way back but I I only half pay any attention to him. I think about the future. Ceremonial Night is when we move in with our betrothed to get to know each other. Our leaders let us pick when to get married though. Two years after we get assigned, when we are twenty-two, we get to move to the surface. That's what I am looking forward to. We get to do deep cover missions which I excel at.

Someone opens both back doors and two gentleman extend a hand to help us out. I take his hand and he walks me to the door around the car where Felice is waiting for me.

We walk through the door together and we hear someone say, "The Twins at last." I usually get cocky when someone calls us the Twins but I cannot really argue with them this time.

Felice is wearing an outfit similar to mine; a casual loose t-shirt v-neck dress. The only difference is hers is purple and mine is black. We even are both wearing high black boots and have our hair down and we both have green eyes.

"Now we can begin!"

They will call us up to the stage in partners. Then they will call up the boys and tell us who is paired with who. Everyone cheers for them while they walk out the back door. Everyone is here tonight for this night. The little ones are more exited than we are. At that age you cannot wait for this day but when it finally comes you don't want it to be here.

"Ms. Ava and Ms. Brooklyn step forward!" Two girls move to the stage and they continue, "Mr. Sebastian and Mr. Christopher step forward." I can tell they thought about this one. Ms. Ava and Mr. Sebastian and Ms. Brooklyn and Mr. Christopher have been seeing each other in secrete for the past year.

"Ms. Ava you have been assigned to Mr. Sebastian and Ms. Brooklyn you have been assigned to Mr. Christopher." We all clap and cheer as they walk out. Their one step closer to staying above ground.

Next Ms. Scarlett and Ms. Lily get assigned to Mr. Anthony and Mr. Wyatt.

"The Twins, Ms. Rosella and Ms. Felice step forward." We walk to the stage in unison. "Mr. Samuel and Mr. Alexander please step forward."

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