Chapter Fourteen: The Mommy Train

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"Babe, this is, Ryan."

"Ali, can I, uh, see you in the kitchen real quick?" I ask her.

She follows me into the kitchen and starts to tear up.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" I ask. I swear to go if he did anything to her.

"Nothing, I'm so glad you came home when you did." She says as she hugs me.

"Does he know about the babies?" I ask.

"No, he doesn't. I was hoping that Greyson wouldn't cry. I was so worried." She says.

"Okay, I want you to go upstairs with Alexandra and go into Greyson's room. Call detective Mitchell. Okay? I love you." I say as I kiss her forehead and walk into the living room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Ryan as I walk up behind him.

"I thought I would come check up on an old friend." He says. Does this hoe not know that I know about what he did?

"Cut the crap. How did you find out where we were?" I ask.

"That bitch." He says under his breath.

I punch him I the nose. "No one talks about Ali that way." I say.

"I heard about babies. Can I see my child?" Man, this bitch is stupid. I see a police car pull up outside.

"Not your child. My children." I say as I walk towards the door.

"Excuse me, children?" He asks.

"Three. Yes. Now, meet my good friend Detective Mitchell." I say as I open the door. "You will never see those children in your life." The police come in after the detective and pull Ryan's arms behind his back. They walk out and I grab Detective Mitchell's arm. "Thank you. So much." I say.

"No problem." He says as he walks back towards the car.

I run up the stairs and see Ali with one of the babies on the bed.

"Hey babe." I say as I walk towards the crib and pick up Greyson.

"Where's Ryan?" She asks as I sit on the bed in front of her.

"With the police. Why didn't you call me when he showed up? How long was he here for?" I question, trying to put all of this together in my head.

"Calm down. He showed up right after you left- What the hell happened?" She looks down at my hand.

"Ohhhh, I, uh, punched him?" I say, nonchalantly.

"You did WHAT?!?" She says, now screaming.

"Woah, quiet down, Grey's asleep." I say as I put Greyson back I his crib. "He called you a bitch, so I punch him. No biggie." I say, walking back over to the bed and taking Alexandra out of her arms.

"Yes biggie." She says, following me to Lexa's room. "Why would you do such a stupid thing?" She asks.

"I did it for you." I say putting Alexandra in her crib. "He wanted to see his kids." I say turning around and looking at her.

"You told him that wasn't happening, right?" She asks, putting her arms around my waist.

"Oh, yes. I did. I also may have told him that they were my children." I say, raising my hands and putting them on her butt.

"Good." She kisses my neck. "Because they are yours." She says before she kisses my lips.

I pat her thighs to tell her to jump. Just as she jumps, her phone rings.

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