Happy Birthday?

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"I love you and I'll be right back" I say as I walk out of the door with Greyson and Faith in my arms.

I get to the car and buckle Greyson and Faith into their car seats. We're going to pick up Ali's birthday cake. It's a purple ombre cake with the icing being roses. Two layer, white cake. Her favorite.

I get on the road and one of the babies starts crying, of course. Where we live, its in the middle of nowhere so there isn't somewhere to stop. I just turn on some music.

Do I look lonely?

I see the shadows on my face

People have told me I don't look the same

Maybe I lost weight

I'm playing hooky, with the best of the best

Put my heart on my chest, so that you can see it too

I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall

The lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live?

The death of a bachelor


Letting the water fall

The death of a bachelor


Seems so fitting for

Happily ever after

How could I ask for more?

A lifetime of laughter

At the expense of the death of a bachelor

I'm cutting my mind off

It feels like my heart is going to burst

Alone at a table for two and I just wanna be served

And when you think of me am I the best you've ever had?

Share one more drink with me, smile even though you're sad

I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall

The lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live?

The death of a bachelor


Letting the water fall

The death of a bachelor


Seems so fitting for

Happily ever after

How could I ask for more?

A lifetime of laughter

At the expense of the death of a bachelor

The death of a bachelor


Letting the water fall

The death of a bachelor


Seems so fitting for

Happily ever after

How could I ask for more?

A lifetime of laughter

At the expense of the death of a bachelor

About another ten minutes later and I get to the bakery. Both of the kids are asleep, so I get the stroller out, I lay a blanket down and lay them together. They, as if on instinct, wrapped themselves around one another. I smile and take a picture to show Ali later. I walk in and go up to the counter.

"How may I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"Oh, Hi. Im here to pick up an order for Emily Fields." I reply, holding Grey's pacifier in his mouth with my finger.

"Yes, I'll be right back." She says as she walks into the back.

About five minutes later she comes out with the cake. It is absolutely beautiful. I pay for the cake and walk out. I put the cake in the passenger seat and put the babies back in their car seats.

I get home and put the cake in the fridge we have outside so Ali doesn't see it. I go inside and set Greyson and Faith in the bassinet because they are both asleep. I walk up the stairs and go into Lexa's room. She's not in there, strange. I walk in our bedroom and Ali isn't in there, even stranger. I check the bathroom and there she is, sitting in the bathtub with Alexandra on her chest. She looks like she's been crying.

"Ali?" I ask, standing in the doorway.

She jumps a little and Lexa starts screaming. "Geez, Em. I just got her to go to sleep."

"I'm sorry, what's wrong?" She has definitely been crying.

"I'm fine. Just go away so I can get her to sleep." She snapped.

"Babe, I got her. You get out of that tub and put some warm clothes on." I say softly as I take Lexa out of her hands.

Alexandra has a cold, great. Her nose won't stop running and she has a low-grade fever.

I give her some Tylenol for her fever and give her a bottle. She went to sleep quickly. I laid her in her crib and put a pillow beside her so it feels like I'm still beside her. I walk back into the bedroom.

Ali is laying on her stomach on the bed with her head in the pillows. "Ali?" I ask softly as I go up to the bed.

"Hmm?" She says, slightly annoyed. I go up to the bed and sit on her lower back. I lay myself over her and bring the blanket up to our necks.

"Are you okay babe?" I ask.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just... You left and she started crying her eyes out. She's never done that and I thought I did something wrong. I got scared." She says as she begins to tear up.

"No, babe. You did nothing wrong. She's getting a cold. She's okay. So are the other two. It will all be okay. I promise." I say, as I lift myself up and she turns over.

"I know. It just scared me." She whispered as she grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me to her.

She kissed my nose.

"I. Love. You." I assured, in between kisses.

"And I love you." She replied as she rolled onto her side, knocking me off her stomach and curling into my side, laying her head on my chest.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I ask, knowing she is not gonna be up to doing what I had planned.

"Nothing, nothing at all." She mumbled into my chest.

"Are you sure? I could get my mom to watch the kids..."

"Em, I want to spend today with my family." She replied, picking her head up and looking into my eyes.

"Okay." I said as I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes.

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