High and Low

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"Thought I'd make the drive, but a free plane ride is in the air. Just like that my fear of it disappeared, like all of you, like all of you. And I look high and low, for yesterday. High and Low, for you and I. High and Low" ~ High and Low


"I don't know how to feel, mom. I'm finally with someone who cares and loves me deeply but at the same time I'm scared, scared that Rosalie and I are gonna be left alone to fend for ourselves.

"Jay loves me, I know he does, but I can't help the nagging voice in the back of my head saying he's gonna leave me like everyone else.  When you and dad left me, I was heartbroken, not even the girls were able to help much.

"Then Jason comes along and suddenly my once dull world has color. I felt whole. Obviously it didn't last long, but I'm thankful for it.

"If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be bringing a new life into this cruel world.

"I've been through so many highs and lows lately, I don't know where I'm at.

"I wish you and Dad were here. I miss y'all so much. But I know you're looking down on me, shaking your heads at every idiotic thing I do. I'll see you soon,  Mom", I wipe the tears that escaped and kissed my fingers, laying them on her headstone and my dad's.

Clearing my throat, I stood up and straightened my clothes. Making my way through the cemetery, I enjoy the small breeze.

After I left from the prison Jason was at, I came to visit my parents. I felt like an emotional wreck for some reason, like something horrible was going to happen.

'Maybe it's the hormones', I thought. I am only two weeks away from my due date so maybe I'm just stressed and worried about delivering.

I shook my head to get rid of the negative thoughts and got into my car. As I put the key in ignition, pain struck me once again.

I groaned and tried to breathe through it. After what seemed like a lifetime,  it went away.  Shaking my head, I turned over the engine and began to make my way home.


"Hey babe,  how's the tour planning coming along", I asked Jay through the phone as I closed the book I was currently ready, 'Jane Eyre'.

"Oh it's going great, love.  I'm really excited for it", he responds gleefully.

"That's great! I'm happy for y'all, and even though I'm gonna miss you like hell when you're gone, I know your fans are going to go crazy", I laugh.

His laughter fills my ear and I feel a warmth come over my body.

"I hate to cut our conversation short, but Scooter has to go over a few more things. I'll see you when I come home, yeah?"

"Yeah, of course. Love you, Jay", I smile.

"Love you too, sweetie. Tell Rosalie Daddy loves her."

I giggle. "Okay, I will. Bye, hun."

He laughs and  says his goodbye.

I look at the time. 5:35.

'Now, what can I do to pass the time until he comes home?'

⭐⭐8:45 p.m.⭐⭐

"So you visited him yesterday and today", Jay repeated my words.

We were currently eating pizza with pasta and breadsticks. I actually made dinner tonight because I hate not doing anything for hours. It's the first time we didn't have takeout for the past three days due to all the last tour planning.

I decided to tell him about me visiting Jason. There wasn't a valid reason to keep this from him because I love him, and there's also the fact that Jason doesn't want to see me.

"Yup", I said, taking a sip of my lemonade.

"How did it go", he asked as he put a forkful of pasta into his mouth.

I went on and explained everything that happened, or didn't happen really.

Jay listened and stayed silent while I talked. I could tell he was really listening to what I was saying because he would slightly bite his lower lip, a trait I've noticed.

After I finished, silence consumed us for almost five minutes. Neither of us continued eating.

"So", he clears his throat, "how do you feel now?"

"Honestly? I feel...peaceful. I'm ready to move onto this exciting new chapter of my life, with you and Rosalie", I smile as I take his hand in mine.

He smiles back, kissing the back of my hand.

"Good.  Now what do you say we go to the living room and watch a movie?"

"A movie sounds great. I'm thinking action tonight", I say as I began to clear the table.

An eerie chill ran through my body suddenly. I felt uneasy, but I'm sure it's nothing. Probably a bit of heartburn from the pizza sauce.

"Action it is! Listen, you pick the movie and I'll take care of this", he replied as he took the plates out of my hands.

"You're a keeper, Mr. McGuiness", I blow him a kiss.

He reaches out to "catch" it and puts his hand on his lips. "That's where all your kisses should land."

He then proceeds to throw me a kiss and I catch it. "Know where your kisses should land?" He shakes his head, curls bouncing.

I "place" his kiss right on my ass. "Right here since you're a pain in it", I laugh.

Jay fakes a wounded look and grips his chest. "You hurt me, you really did."

"Dork", I laugh and make my way into the living room.

"I love you."

"I love you, t-"

My sentence cuts off short as I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, much worse than the previous ones. I gasp and close my eyes, placing my hand on my stomach.

"Babe, are you okay?!" Jay rushes towards me, concern written all over his face. I don't answer and instead focus on my breathing but the pain is too much to handle. I can barely hear Jay's voice, trying to calm me down. His hand grabs mine and I squeeze, hard.

Something is wrong. I feel it.

Without opening my eyes or letting go of his hand, I yell through clenched teeth, "Jay, take me to the hospital. Now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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