Summer Alive

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"Having the time of my life, with you keeping the summer alive. Want to give you forever tonight, always keeping the summer alive" ~ Summer Alive


"Ugh, remind me to never drink again in my entire life", Jade exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen with her eyes closed as she held her head.

I chuckled at her before turning to the stove to make chocolate chip pancakes, our hangover remedy as I recalled the night before.


When we got to my house after the club last night, Jade went straight to the restroom to puke. Being the only sober one, I held her hair back and the other girls fell asleep on my sofa.

After she was done, I helped Jade into the guestroom so she can sleep. It didn't take that long since she falls asleep fairly quick.

I got myself settled into my bed after changing when my phone rang. Looking at the caller I.D., I answered with a smile on my face.


"Hey, it's Jay. I just wanted to make sure it was the right number as you didn't text me back", he chuckled.

I laughed a little before lowering my voice to a whisper. "And what if I did? What would you do about it?"

"Then I would have hunted you down and demand that you give me the right number", he whispered seriously before laughing.

I laughed quietly before replying, "I somehow think you would."

"I actually wanted to ask you something, if that's alright", Jay said hesitantly.


"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to a bonfire tomorrow, where I will be. Unless you don't want to, which I completely understand seeing as we just met. If you decide to go, you can bring your friends so you're not alone", he started rambling.

"Jay, stop and take a breath", I told him. I was shocked that he actually listened to me when I heard him inhale then exhale.

"To answer your question, I'd love to go to the bonfire tomorrow night and see you", I smiled.

"Really? That's great! Well, I'll let you get your beauty sleep now. Good night, love", he replied.

I grinned like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland when he said 'love'. "Night, Jay", I said before hanging up.

I had no trouble falling asleep after that.


"Amber, snap out of it! You almost burned the pancakes", Danielle waved her hand in front of my face.

I mentally shook my head. When did Danielle and Nicole wake up, I thought to myself when I saw Danielle walk to the table where Nicole sat.

I took in how they look. Put nicely, they looked like crap. Their hair was sticking out in direction and their clothes looked like they'd seen better days.

"We woke up ten minutes ago and thanks for that compliment", Nicole smirked.

"I said that out loud, didn't I", I cringed as I put the plate with pancakes on the table before sitting down.

All three girls nodded as they grabbed their servings. Great, now I'm saying things out loud.

Soon, all the pancakes were done and we started eating.

We started reminiscing about the stupid things we did at clubs before I got pregnant. "Hey, remember that time when Nicole stood on top of the bar with two shots and-"

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