Where I Belong

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"I'm on my own and the road is long. I'll do what it takes, just finding a place, where I belong" ~ Where I Belong


I can't believe I got fired, but who cares? I hated my job anyways, I thought as I walked into my house on this rainy Tuesday night. Today at work, it was going fine as I greeted the customers and weighed their fro-yo, until one customer got pissed because her total came out to $12.31 and she only had ten bucks.

"How about you get a smaller cup? That way you'll have enough money to buy it", I suggested politely.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!" she yelled, making everyone turn their heads towards us.

"No, ma'am, I'm not", I tried calming her down, "I was just suggesting that you get a smaller cup so you have enough money to enjoy your fro-yo. That's all."

"NO, YOU'RE CALLING ME FAT", she screeched out.

I winced before giving her my famous you're-going-to-wish-you-didn't-do-that glare. "Listen here, you stupid b*tch, I've been here since eight in the morning. I don't have the energy to put up with your crap. And on top of that, I'm pregnant. So I suggest you take it easy and get a smaller cup", I whispered menacingly.

"Well that's what you get for being a stupid whore", she sneered.

I snapped. I grabbed her fro-yo and shoved it into her face. Then I slapped her, feeling satisfied as I heard the SMACK! on her face.

She retaliated by slapping me back. I raised my fist, ready to punch her, when someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see who it was: Ben.

Crap, I thought.

"Amber, what in the world do you think you're doing", Ben exclaimed as he took in the sight of me and the customer.

"I-um-she-uhh", I stammered, unable to form coherent words.

"Give me your apron", he held his hand out.

I silently slipped it off and handed it to him.

"Leave, and don't even think about coming to work ever again", Ben pointed to the door.

I straightened my back, grabbed my stuff, and made my way to the door, my purse slung onto my shoulder. When I reached the door, I turned around. "Have a nice life, Ben", I smiled sarcastically before thrusting my middle finger in the air. I walked out into the rain and into my car, making my way home.

And now I'm here.

I hung my keys on the hook by the door and walked into the living room, turning the light on in the process.

The walls were a cerulean blue and the carpet was a nice cream color. On the far right side was a white loveseat and in the middle of the room was a coffee colored L-shaped couch with a 67 inch flat screen TV in front of it. A small, tan coffee table sat in between the couch and TV. On the left side of the room was a linens closet, where I kept extra blankets and pillows.

I turned on the TV and saw a rerun of "Friends". Feeling too lazy to change it, I went upstairs into my room to change into a tank top and plaid sleep shorts.

When I came back downstairs, I went into the kitchen to make some tea. After the water was boiling hot, I put the tea bag in. I walked to my stainless steel fridge and pulled out the milk and set it on the counter, next to my tea mug. Then I grabbed the sugar from the cabinet above the stove.

I took the tea bag out and began to add the milk and sugar. When it was to my liking, I put everything back in its rightful place before making my way to the living room.

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