~{6}~ The days without him

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Meow for now

Father and I waited patiently outside the little church while mother was off searching for good gossip. He's been feeling better for the past few weeks and I'm so happy for it, I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. Anyway he stood tall greeting Mr Lawrence and making little conversations to spare his boredom. Every Sunday is God's day and we come to be forgiven for our sins and to praise him for everything he's given us. Then we have to donate ten per cent of our profit to the church. It seems to me like a running business than a place to come and be comforted by The Lord. All the priests look down at us and sometimes try to spread fear but God is supposed to love all, he knows about forgive and forget but try telling that to a priest. As my father spoke to his friends I was searching for my own. Adam and I have gotten close, I can see him as a trustworthy friend and he's been ever so nice to me. We even tried flirting in public just to see the reactions of the others who always seem to prowl around. Speak of the devil there he was with his father, a tall man who looks so much like him including the dark curly hair but it reaches his shoulders, grey waistcoat and a simple darker grey jacket. He looked almost sinister as he eyed at everyone almost analysing them but I brought my eyes back to Adam who was searching among the crowd of people. Possibly looking for me so I stepped of the church's large stone steps, and strolled through people who one got one glance of me then continued to stare. But I chose to ignore them, since this is happening quite a lot lately.

"Adam," I smiled at him as I stood before him and he smirked back. "You look quite dashing this morning." I complimented then eyed at the collar of his white shirt. He often he takes pride in his appearance... I turned to his father and Adam began to introduce us.

"Father this is her." Adam said him to him but he was smiling at me the entire time. Mr Burkley, that's their last name took my hand and kissed it. And all I can think is 'like father like son'.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Allure." His voice is smooth and low, it's almost like he's seducing me and so even if they didn't look alike I'd know they were related anyway.

"Pleasure is all mine and please call Rose." I responded politely starting to blush again.

"Rose excuse me but where about is your father?" Mr Burkley asked me and I pointed him out so then he strolled up the church steps to chat with him. Meanwhile the collar on Adam's shirt is really annoying me.

"Hold on your collar is crooked." I sighed fixing it up as he held his head high allowing me.

"We're not even married yet and already you're dressing me." He kidded and I gave a him small chuckle not really in the mood to come up with a witty remark besides it's what lord Thorne had said to me. He's always making little jokes like these, especially in front of the others. I've kept him as a close friend because I haven't seen Wolfgang in such a long time. Not that I care or miss him or anything but nothing interesting has happened since he finally left without as much as a goodbye. Once fixed I let go and he smiled intently searching for something in my eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him and his expression turned to confusion.

"Why would you assume something is wrong?"

"It's just the way you're looking at me; it's not the usual look you give me." I smiled and sort of blushed as I leaned closer to whisper. "I often see you undressing me with your eyes." I meant it as a joke but he blushed.

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