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A/N:Oh wow 37 reads that's 37 more than I expected so I guess that means I'm doing another part.Please know I have school and I'm in a musical so I have an okay amount of free time but not too much.Oh and by the way I'm trying something new, thoughts with be put in bold and italics like this.Thank you all for all the support in the last part and let's get on with the story

3rd Person

Brad, Shenpai, Bazza, and Neptune were all in teamspeak saying their final goodbyes before the grueling long flight they were about to board.

"Wait how are Neptune and I going to find you guys" asked Shenpai
"Just look for a person with a Mccree hat on and a tall furry" said Brad
"Ha HA Brad so funny" Bazza said
The last time Brad made a furry joke about me was last week and he usually is a bit more ongoing with his jokes especially when it came with Me
"Maybe you should just accept being called a furry Bazza and give up" Neptune said
"Never Marge Simpson, the day I give up is the day I stop playing soldier!"
"And the day I admit I sound like Marge Simpson is the day I'll go on a date with you!" Said Neptune giggling and blushing
Why did I say that!
And suddenly an eager Bazza responded
"That sounds like a challenge!"
"With how stubborn both of you are I don't think either one of those will happen" Shenpai said giggling
"Actually the real question is what is the restaurant they'll be going to on their date" Brad remarked
"Umm actually the real question is what hero will Bazza main when he can't play soldier"
"Is this going to be a competition Shenpai?"said Brad grinning from ear to ear.
"OH I think so Brad"
"Well I guess it's Bazza and I vs. you and Neptune."
"Just know I'm not going to go easy Brad."
"Who says I will either?"
But alas a worried Neptune interrupts their petty little competition saying
"I'm not sure I want to be a part of this"
"Same here I'm a little worried for you two" Bazza said
"Yea cause first off I would win and secondly..."
Neptune becomes quickly interrupted by a chuckling Bazza
"Woah there Neptune you think you would win?"
Brad and Shenpai start laughing in the background as they listen to the pair start arguing about who would win and with a smirk on their faces they see that the competition has officially begun.
"I'm so stubborn that I couldn't possibly lose this" said Neptune
"Yea.. Well.. You see all I've ever known is pew-pew man and if you think I'll give that up for being called a dumb name then your wrong, okay Marge"
"I can handle this and plus I have Shenpai on my side to support me"
"Yea.. but! I have the jerk of the group on my side side so who's really got more support huh?"
Bazza why'd you have to say that, can't you see I've been trying.
From Brads ends all that was heard was a sad sigh
Poor Brad I know he really is trying and maybe Bazza has taken notice but it will take time.
"Sure Bazza I've got you" said Brad trying to hide the desperation in his voice
"And you know I got you Neptune" said Shenpai
"Well, well, well, it looks like our competition has begun, ah and it would appear that it's time for me to catch a plane." Said Bazza
"Same here" said Brad
"Until we see you two again, especially you Marge Simpson"
"And until we see you two again especially you Furry"
"HA HA so hilarious" and with that Bazza was off to his plane
"I've got to finish packing so bye Shenpai and Brad"
"Bye Neptune" they said simultaneously
Neptune left and all that there was left was Shenpai and Brad
Brad was anticipating what Shenpai was going to say then the dreaded moment came...
"Hey just cause Bazza hasn't noticed your progress doesn't mean you should be discouraged" said Shenpai with a caring heart
"Maybe, but mabye I should just stop trying and give up on this whole being nice thing and just accept I'm a jerk"
"No Brad you're not a jerk and I think that you can do this, trust me I believe in you"
"You really think so Shenpai?"
"Yes I do Brad"
"Thanks for the talk Shen, glad to know your there when I need you now if you don't mind I have to catch a plane so until I see you later"
"You're welcome and know I'll always be there if you need to talk, and goodbye"
I hope Brad isn't feeling discouraged and that his friends start seeing him change into the person he wants to be, I mean he deserves it.
That talk made me feel so much better and those four words just keep ringing in my head " I believe in you"Wow I feel like I could conquer the world but for now I have to catch a plane.

A/N: Wow it seems like I only am able to write stuff at 2 a.m. Oh well please leave feedback positive or negative and thank you again for all the support on the first part.
Love you all and wear your seatbelt

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