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WOW GUYS we reached 500 reads!!!
ACTUALLY WAIT WE REACHED 600 READS Something I thought I'd never reach.I really want to thank you all for the support it's the only thing keeping me floating right now. Really sorry that I haven't been updating life is just difficult. You've been too kind so let's get on with the story

"You ready little Bradly" asked Tyrodin in his Reinhardt voice while knocking his the door

"Yea I'll be out in a moment" said Brad

"We'll be out in a moment too" said Neptune

Brad,Shenpai, and Neptune all walked out at the same time.Soon it didn't take long for Bazz and Brad to see Neptune and Shenpai look absolutely amazing

"Wow Neptune you look..."

"And Shenpai you look..."

"Stop gawking at them guys and let's go said Muselk"

As Tyrodin and Muselk started walking to the elevator Bazza started walking with Neptune

"Wow Neptune you look great" said Bazza

"You think so? I'm not sure"said Neptune

"I'm very sure don't worry about it it'll be fine"

"Thanks Bazz"

With the confidence boost she took Bazzas arm and interlaced it with hers letting her head rest on his shoulders as they walked. Causing Bazza to blush. Meanwhile Shenpai was laughing at Brad for being so awkward

"Shenpai you look...just amazing"

"Aw thanks Brad I knew you would like it"

"What do you mean?" Brad said with a voice crack

"Look at you! You're blushing so hard and you can't even say anything" said Shenpai

"Yea well.. " Brad was trying to come back with a smart response, something that would be hilarious and sway the conversation in his favor, anything, anything

"Yea well.. you're cute"

That was so dumb you couldn't even think straight you idiot. Wait, she has a smile on her face a legitimate one. And now so do I

"Thanks Brad" Shenpai said with true sincerity

"My pleasure Shenpai" said Brad trying to play it off cool

They finally arrived to the elevator at the end of the long hallway, and they all packed into the small elevator mumbling and chuckling to themselves about the incident yesterday

"Oh Braaaaad" Tyrodin said

"Don't even think about it" said Brad

Everyone started laughing at Brad including Shenpai despite being a part of the gag. Finally they reached the end of the elevator with Brad stepping out very quickly

"Haha very funny guys, but its not going to happen again." said Brad

"Why not Brady-chan?" Shenpai asked in her Hentai voice

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