Le Hotel

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A/N:WOW GUYS we broke 100 reads and also 200!!!! I'm sorry i haven't been updating I've just been busy with life. Thank you all for the support, and shout out to scrooge7 and aRegularPotato for the consistent support. I'm having a hard time trying to write more but the support keeps me going. Thanks for all the support and lets get on with the story.

As the group had slowly woken up from their trance they had realized Tyrodin smacking all of them with his Reinhardt hammer. As Bazza and Neptune were getting up they just looked each other straight in the eyes and smiled. Then they smiled even more when they realized that in front of them was Brad and Shenpai sleeping while holding one another is their arms. The giggling pair looked at each other trying as hard as possible to not laugh.

"Do you think we should wake them" asked Bazza whispering

"Naw i think they'll be just fine"

"Do you think we should take a photo?"


As both Bazza and Neptune put their heads around the sleeping duo and took a picture at the same time, Bazza had just realized that he had forgotten to take the flash off. And with that both Brad and Shenpai woke up groggily, both slowly realizing they had fallen asleep in each others warm embrace. Pushing each other away in sheepishness.

"I'm so sorry I should watch what I'm doing" said Brad

"It' fine Brad I didn't mind it" said Shenpai blushing with glee

"You could even say she enjoyed it" said Neptune smirking

"Shut up Neptune" said Brad and Shenpai in unison

The two looked at each other completely flustered while Bazza and Neptune were just laughing at their awkwardness and how they were so in sync. As both their faces were heated and they felt like they were going to burst they both tried unlocking the doors and getting out ,but to their surprise it was locked, then they saw a grinning Tyrodin outside the window.

"I just want to see where this goes" Tyrodin said watching everything unfold.

"Oh come on have we not bullied them enough"said Bazza

"Fine I'll unlock this door" said Tyrodin

As Brad rushed to get out he fell down to the ground and Shenpai following him on the way out fell right on top of Brad.Blushing, both layed there looking at each other intensely into one anothers eyes as if they were saying a thousand words by just looking at each other. The tension grew stronger as they seemed immersed with one another.

"Okay you two love birds lets get going" said Neptune getting out of the car

As Neptune said those words Shenpai immediately got off of Brad realizing how long it had been and started slowly walking into the hotel in mortification. Brad got up still stunned at what just happened.

That was akward I mean we just looked at eachother and stared and yet i was so lost and captivated in those eyes Thought both Brad and Shenpai

"Mission failed you"ll get her next time soilder" said Bazza

"Piss off" Brad said with a huge voice crack

"What did i miss?" asked Muselk just waking up from his sleep.

As the group walked inside Tyrodin said that he already checked them in so they just went straight for the elevator. Tyrodin was explaining what happened while Muslek was asleep while Bazza and Neptune got into the elevator very quickly

"C'mon get in and follow our lead" said Neptune

Tyrodin and Muselk were confused, but they followed willingly. With all this happening Brad and Shenpai were lagging behind everyone, still trying to get over what happened outside. Not looking at eachother directly but just walking next to eachother. They walked into the elevator realizing that it was quite small and saw that they had to closely stand right next to another and Neptune just had to look at Tyrodin and Muselk for them to understand what the plan was. Slowly everyone stared moving towards the center pushing Brad and Shenpai close together.Then they came face to face and realized what everyone was doing. Luckily the door just opened and allowed Brad and Senpai to escape

"You guys are jerks" said Brad

And as on cue all four of them just started laughing at the two that just managed to escape the elevator

Brad is cute in real life when he's triggered too WAIT why did I just think that? Thought Shenpai with a smile on her face realizing what she could do to trigger him even farther

"Brady-chan why didn't you go for the kiss" Shenpai said in her Hentai voice

And with the roar of poeple behind her laughing, grew even louder watching as Shenpai just completely broke Brad right in front of them

"Not you too! You're supposed to be embarressed with me"

"Not anymore it's just you brad"said Shenpai giggling

"Aw now everyone is against me?"


"Let's just get to our rooms"

As they reached the rooms Tyrodin started handing handing out cards keys to everyone

"This one is for you Muselk and one for me, now... this one is for Bazza and Neptune and these two are Brad and Shenpai" Tyrodin said with a grin

"Don't think you're going to switch it up on me" Brad said as he snatched Neptunes keycard and gave her his keycard.But something ached inside him when he saw Shenpai with a depressed face while he was switching the key cards.

"Well come in when you need to" said Bazza to Brad

"Same for you Shen"said Neptune to Shenpai

They went into their rooms and then there they were. Shenpai and Brad standing in the hallway awkwardly.

"Hey Shen I'm sorry it's not like I hate you or anything" said Brad

"No it's fine I just thought it'd be cool to share a room with you" said Shenpai sadly

Brad realizing his tragic mistake and tried to make up for his wrong actions by doing something so impulsive

"Hey maybe we could get dinner sometime?"
Said Brad

"Brad are you asking me out on a date?"squeaked Shenpai as the color started coming back from to eyes

"Umm I asked you out to dinner so I guess take it as you will" Brad said with shaky voice

"Alright I accept!" And with that she gave Brad a hug and walked to her room winking at the flustered Brad

A/N: I'm pretty sure this is the first chapter I haven't written at 2 am so good job on me and thank you all for the support and reads it really keeps me going when times are tough and please leave feedback positive or negative.

Love you all and wear your seatbelt

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