Such Awkward

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A/N: Wow guys we broke 300 reads and I just can't believe it it's just an insane number.Thank you, all of you who support me cause when I try to make a new part all I have to do is read and think about the supportive comments to help me get working and it means a lot. Without further a do let's get into the story.

The group was asleep then a wild Bazza decided to wake up and saw a sleeping Brad.
"I think I'm going to mess with you just a little more"
Then he texted his friends Muselk and Tyrodin and asked if they wanted to go somewhere to get something to mess with Brad. Of coarse they readily responded and agreed and with that the three were off with their own little adventure. But before they left they texted to Brad and Shenpai that when they came back they were all going to eat breakfast.

"The guys just said that once they come back from their little trip we're all going to eat breakfast " said Shenpai to the still groggy Neptune

"Alright but I'm going to shower cause I need to wake up and feel clean" said Neptune

"Same here, but they said they'll be back soon so we won't have much time"

"I guess your going to have to take a shower in Brads room" said Neptune smirking

"No Neptune please don't do this to me"

And with that Neptune raced into the shower and looked devilishly at Shenpai while doing it.

"Have fun Shenpai!"

"I hate you so much"

All that was heard was hot water running and laughing from the bathroom.
Well time to make the dreaded journey to Brads room
Shenpai grabbed her clothes and dragged herself to Brads door, slowly knocking.

"Coming!" Said Brad

He opened the door and he saw a sleepy Shenpai with an extra pair of clothes and a slight tinge of pink on her face with a warm smile.

"Um hey there" said Brad

She looks so, so, so, natural! Just looking at her during this state of tired cuteness is making me blush.Oh nO, and I think she notices it too.

"What's wrong Brad" said Shenpai with a chuckle at Brad who just stood there gawking at her

"Oh.. umm.. nothing did you need something?"

"Well since I don't have much time and Neptune took the shower before I could do you think I could shower.. in your room?" Said Shenpai avoiding Brads gaze

"Yea sure that's fine" said Brad cautiously

"Really? Thanks Brad!" And with that she gave Brad an unexpected hug and a left him blushing at the doorway.Then he went back to bed and started listening to music,but before he could start jamming out he heard Shenpai nearly shout from the bathroom in her hentai voice.

"Brady-chan I feel so dirty why don't you help clean me up"

"Oh my god shut up and shower already" said Brad while covering his face with a pillow

"You would want that wouldn't you" Said Shenpai dying of laughter

"Ah come on I didn't mean it like that!"

"Sure you didn't Brad"

And suddenly Shenpai heard Brad, laughing?

Wow Brads laughing at himself and sounds like he's enjoying the fact that I'm messing with him

"Funny one Shenpai. now hurry up so we can get going" said Brad with his body relaxed and calmed that Shenpai was here

They were both silent as Shenpai was finishing her shower and Brad was just listening to music.
Shenpai walked out of the bathroom and looked as fresh as ever asking

"How do I look?"

Brad with a fixed gazed at Shenpai just sat on the edge of the bed with his jaw hanging and soon Shenpai stated folding her arms saying

"Brad you're doing it again"

"Oh.. yea sorry about that" said Brad hesitantly

"It's fine Brad I think I got my answer" said Shenpai winking at the overwhelmed Brad as she walked out

And with that Shenpai went back to her room, only to be greeted by Neptune drying her blue hair.

"Oh heeeey Shenpai how'd it go"

"It went great thanks for asking" said Shenpai sarcastically

"Wait did something go wrong, do I need to go over there and have a chat with him?"

"No nothing like that it's just that he really seemed caring and kind in a way... it was sweet"

"Don't you worry Bazza and I will for sure help you get a date with Brad"

"Hold on there I don't like Brad like that"

I mean do I? I loved being around him knowing how easily we got along and well we were connected to one another ,but does he think of me that way?

"Umm sure you don't"

"All right, all right just don't hurt him I want him in one piece"

"No promises"

And with that they heard three Australian men out in the hallway laughing about their recent antics

"Well I guess it's time for us to go" said Shenpai

"I guess so but wait how do I look?" Asked Neptune

"You look stunning Neptune it'll be perfect for Bazza" said Shenpai grinning

"And you look perfect for Brad" said Neptune returning the favor

"Shut up and let's go"

A/N:I was considering including the breakfast within this chapter but I realized it'd be better to include it in the next one. Thank you all who keep supporting me no matter what, it means a bunch.And I have a question for you guys and a challenge. Ok so do you guys like it better when I space out dialogue and everything like in chapter 4 and this chapter or do you like how I worded it in the first three chapters. The challenge is to send me a Zlypai Fanfiction which I have not read yet. Bonus if you can find a Bazztune fanfiction Winner I guess will get a "point" As always thank you for the support.

Love you all and wear your seatbelt

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