Chapter 2

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Even though i was still trying to get through the events of my immensely messed up past i was determined enough not to let it ruin my present and future now that i have found something more valuable to me more than anything (FAMILY) and what's important right now is what the future has in store for us. 

Today was just like any other day around the area, i was walking through the garden when i spotted two cats huddled in a corner eating away whatever it was that they found. I watched them with interest before walking to  stroke they lovely golden brown fur. As i stood up to leave something or someone lunged at me from behind...

"WHAT THE HELL..!!",  almost stumbling to the ground only to steady myself with one hand before impact. I heard chuckling behind, instantly knowing who it was, turning around to come face to face with Sam.

"You should've seen your face...", he says in between his fits of laughter. I really wish i could wipe the floor with that stupid look on his stupid face.

"What do you want Sam"

"Ohhh... nothing really, just wanted to see the look on your face when i did that",he starts laughing again and i smack him across the head so hard that he actually stumbled forward.

"OWW... hey that hurt", serves him right "Good for you",i say and start walking away before he even had the chance to respond, looking back to stick my tongue out at him.

The afternoon was quiet and calm as i made my way to the woods at the back of the "HOOD", i usually come here to clear my thought and be at peace after an weary day of training but today something just didn't feel right, it's as if the trees were hiding something within their luscious thick green heaven.Deciding to ignore that unusual feeling i head deeper into the wood but the more further i go the more alert i feel i need to be, i sensed movement behind but when i turned around i was looking into nothingness. More rustling sound were being made so i decided to investigate further, i got closer to where the sounds were projected the most over the far corner by a tree.

I noticed a bushy tail stick out from one of the branches followed by a cute and furry head of a squirrel. It looked at me briefly cocking its head to the side before scurrying away deeper up  into the tree. Laughing to myself i stared to continue with my walk but more rustling was being made and this time sounding more alarmed, i turned around only to be startled by a pair of gorgeous striking gray eyes but as soon as we made contact it disappeared into the woods.

The sun was setting in the distance I decided to head back to the HOOD. I entered the kitchen only to find Jen sitting at the table sipping a cup of beer with one hand and the other locked on to her phone, deciding not to bother her i head up to my room.I sat exhausted on my bed trying to figure out what exactly would have eyes as breathtaking yet sinister as that thing i saw early but i was just to worn out to think about it  now.

I looked over to the picture of my parent and me at a party one that we took just a few months before the incident, i was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to consider the hot tears that had stared to fall. Wiping away the tear i set the picture down and head for the bathroom to wash up, by time i climbed into bed, i felt defeated by the thoughts that swirl in my mind but didn't let it bother me as i let sleep take over. 

I woke up to the soft tune played by the wind chimes that i kept hanging by my window,  i stretched lazily as i got out of bed when i hear a "tap" at my window. I walked over to see that a beautiful bluebird was perched on the sill and by the looks of it, it has just caught breakfast as worm was caught in between it's beak, it noticed me and suddenly took off.

I head toward the bathroom to shower and stayed in there for a long time letting the warm soothing water run down my bare skin as it felt so good plus very soothing but in doing so also bringing back memories of my past life, with my mom.

Alright second chapter..!!!

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