the snowman's pants || vmin.

66 7 24

"Hey Chim, wake up!" The brown-haired boy called, shaking his best friend violently.

"Mm...five more minutes, Tae," the dark-haired boy whined. He turned around in his bed as he snuggled up even further into his light blue blanket, hugging his stuffed monkey close to his chest. Taehyung shook his head at the older's antics; he needed to try something else.

"No, we have to go outside! Come on, get up!" Taehyung persisted, climbing onto the other's bed after a little struggle. He didn't understand why Jimin's bed was so high, because really, even the older struggled to get onto it sometimes.

Shaking his thoughts aside, he pounced onto the sleeping boy and nudged him again. "Jiminie, it's snowing outside! I want to make a snowman with you!" He said, a pout plastered on his face now.

"Did you just say it's snowing?" Jimin asked, abruptly flipping round to face the brunette. Taehyung flashed his signature box grin, nodding in confirmation.

Jimin sat up on his bed and slid off, rushing to the window. He pulled the curtains aside and, like Taehyung had told him, it was indeed snowing. Turning back around to his best friend, he grinned.

"What are you waiting for?! Let's go out!" The older exclaimed, bolting past him.

"Hey, wait for me!~" he cried out, before following the older downstairs.

"Jimin-ah, if you're going out, make sure to dress up warmly! You too, Taehyung-ah!" Mrs. Park called, her head popping out from the kitchen. Taehyung smiled and nodded, before rushing to Jimin, who was already wrapped up snuggly in his black coat and light blue scarf (Jimin loves the colour so much; you should see his wardrobe). He noticed the older wearing light blue woollen gloves, too, causing him to shake his head in amusement.

"Come on, Tae. I want to go out before it stops snowing!" Jimin exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. The younger laughed as he wrapped his fluffy green scarf around his neck.

"Let's go out!" He sung, causing Jimin to giggle.

"Wait, Tae. Don't you have gloves?" The older asked him, his brows furrowed.

"I actually lost them when our family went Christmas shopping." Taehyung smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. The older sighed exasperatedly, and removed his left glove off, holding it out for him. "Ah, you don't have to, Chim!" He said, shaking his head.

"I'm not taking a no for an answer - now, take it," Jimin insisted, pushing the glove to his chest. He beamed and accepted the item, slipping it onto his left hand. "Okay, now gimme your right hand."

Confused, he complied. The older walked around to his right side and wrapped his left hand around his own. He grinned as tightened his hold on Jimin's hand. Jimin grinned back in response, before pulling the door handle down and opening it just enough so they both could get out.

"Let's go build a snowman!" He exclaimed, pulling the older onto the blanket of snow. He loved the sound their feet made when they stepped on it.

"Okay, you make the head, I'll make the body," Jimin instructed him, releasing his hand from his grasp. He pouted, having lost the warmth, but began to gather up the snow for their snowman's head.

It took them a good ten minutes to collect the right amount of white and mould it into a circular shape, but they were finished.

Jimin pushed the pebbles he found lying on the ground onto the body for the buttons and face, whilst he stuck two fallen branches on either side to make the arms.

The older stepped back, nodding in satisfaction at their finished masterpiece.

"This looks great, Tae! And it looks better than our neighbours'!" The older said, flashing a wide grin, his eyes forming crescents like it always did when he was extremely happy. He smiled back, though he couldn't help but think there was something missing. Somethi-that's right!

"We need pants, Chim," he said with a serious expression on his face.

"Pants?" Jimin asked, tilting his head.

"Do you have any bubble wrap?" He asked, thinking that they'd make perfect pants for the snowman.

"Tae...the snowman doesn't have any legs, so we don't need any pants," the older stated, his eyebrows knitted together. "And, no, I don't think we have bubble wrap."

"But that would make our snowman look even better!" He said, pouting. He wanted their snowman to be the best out of the whole neighbourhood, and the only way to do that - he believed - was to give it pants. Taehyung heard the older sigh and turned to him again.

"Let's see what we have, then we can make the legs, okay?" Jimin suggested, grabbing his bare hand again.

"You're the best, Chim!" He exclaimed, jumping onto the older to hug him.

"I know that already, now get off, Tae - you're heavy," the older groaned as he tried to keep his balance. He giggled and pulled away from Jimin.

"Sorry," he apologised and grabbed hold of Jimin's bare hand, pulling the other back inside the house.

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a/nhope you like it! ik the title is crap, but i suck at coming up with story titles in general so XDstory idea from honeyoon!

go check her plot shop btw, she has some pretty awesome ideas!(*'▽`*)

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