silk || yoonmin. [2]

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[ part two. ]

"Yoongi-hyung! Over here!" A familiar deep voice called. Turning his attention to the voice, he spotted Taehyung seated right at the centre of the near the front row of seats, waving at him enthusiastically. He waved back and guided Jihoon to the brunette, his hand resting on the boy's back.

When they finally managed to get to Taehyung, he first helped Jihoon sit down, seeing as he was struggling quite a bit, although he argued that he was a big boy now, stop helping me Yoongi. It only made the older male chuckle, before he picked the boy up and settled him down on the seat. Yoongi sat beside Jihoon, ruffling the younger's hair.

"Yoongi! I thought I told you to stop messing up my hair!" The boy exclaimed in annoyance, trying to fix his hair now. "God, I'm almost six years old now, and you still treat me like a kid." His attention turned to Taehyung again, who had burst out laughing at their interaction.

"Oh my god, he's so cute, hyung!" The younger chuckled, reaching out to ruffle Jihoon's hair, who quickly managed to dodge the large hand. "What's your name?"

"Jihoon, Kim Jihoon." The boy answered, still sending death glares at the brunette. "And I'm not cute." He whined, which only caused Taehyung to laugh again.

"You kinda are, Jihoon-ah. No matter how much you deny it," Yoongi argued, laughing.

"Anyway, what's wrong with being called cute?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head in question.

"I'm a boy." Jihoon huffed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, shooting the brunette a look as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't see your point," Taehyung remarked, confusion etched on his tanned face. "My best friend is a boy, and I call him cute all the time." He continued, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Your best friend must be a two-year-old then," the younger shot back with a snort. Yoongi found himself unable to contain the laughter, despite trying to keep his lips pursed.

"My best friend is twenty-one, so excuse you!" The brunette exclaimed in disbelief. He leaned over the raven-haired boy, hiding his mouth with his left hand as he whispered to Yoongi, "Hyung, where did you find him? He seems just like you."

"I can hear you, you know," Jihoon interjected. "And he didn't find me anywhere, he's my babysitter." Taehyung looked surprised by the answer.

"I thought Hoseok told you that I worked part-time as a babysitter?" Yoongi stated, brow raised in question.

"He did, but I thought he was just joking. I mean, let's face it, hyung – you don't exactly seem the type." The brunette stated, in a matter of fact tone. Yoongi blinked in disbelief because what's that supposed to mean?

"Yoongi may not look it, but he's the best babysitter I've ever had," Jihoon interjected again, and it made Yoongi taken aback for a moment, before a smile painted his face at the younger's response. He ruffled Jihoon's hair again, unable to express his fondness in any other way.

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