silk || yoonmin. [1]

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[ part one. ]

The persistent sound of knocking finally managed to peel him out of the blanket fort he'd created on the sofa. That's right, Min Yoongi built blanket forts.

Whoever it was, better have a very good reason for interrupting his daily 6 o'clock nap. With a grunt, he lugged himself to the door and opened it. A very excitable Jung Hoseok skipped inside (and when Yoongi said skipped, he meant skipped). Annoyed by the uninvited presence, he glared at the orange haired male.

"Look what I got!" Hoseok sing-songed, waving what looked like tickets side to side.

"Well, if you stopped waving them around, then maybe I could," he remarked. He was missing valuable time here, time that could be spent napping. And just when he had gotten comfortable.

"Alright, Mr. Grumpy. I know I interrupted your precious 6 o'clock nap, but hear me out, okay? Then, you can decide whether to pummel me or not, and I'll gladly accept." The younger reasoned, holding his hands up in surrender. Both brows raised, Yoongi decided to listen. The way the other grinned creeped him out. "I'm getting a solo."

His eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

Hoseok was going to get his solo. He was finally going to get the solo he deserved. He was finally going to get the solo that he'd worked a goddamn year for.

"Took them long enough," he snorted, but there was wide gummy smile on display. "I'm happy for you, man." He added, punching the younger's arm lightly. Hoseok only beamed widely in return.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, because these," he whipped out the tickets again, holding them out to Yoongi, "are for you. I want you to be the first to see me debut." He smiled. Yoongi smiled back in response, but was confused immediately after. There were two tickets.

"I'll be there, but why are there two tickets?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Oh, well, I just thought you could bring Jihoon along with you," the younger explained, shrugging, "you're babysitting him tomorrow, right?" He nodded because yes – yes, he was babysitting Jihoon tomorrow. It's almost scary how Hoseok practically knew his work schedule by heart.

"Yeah, but I'll have to ask Mrs. Kim for permission first. I don't know if she'll agree, since she was planning on taking Jihoon out for dinner, but I'll let you know before tomorrow night, yeah?" He assured.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine! Text me once you find out, and don't worry if Jihoon isn't able to come. Tae's gonna be there as well, so you can just join him." Yoongi rolled his eyes because of course, he'd invited Taehyung. They were boyfriends, after all. "Before you say anything, it was his best friend that had invited him. All acts were allowed to invite only two guests each, and I chose you and Jihoonie."

"I wasn't going to say anything, Hoseok. But, thanks for clearing that up for me." Yoongi smirked knowingly, causing the other to blush. He found it cute how flustered the younger became whenever his boyfriend gets mentioned. It's been a while, seeing his best friend this happy. He hoped it will stay that way.

"Shut up," was all the younger could muster, before looking down at his phone to check something. Yoongi chuckled lightly. "I...gotta go. S-Something came up andㅡbye!" Without so much as a wave, the younger dashed for the door, only to accidentally bump into it.

"Hoseok, you alright there?" He asked slightly concerned. The younger continued to fumble with the door handle.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good, I'm great! Iㅡ" and with a click, the door opened, and before he knew it, the orange haired male bolted out.

Closing the door, he tilted his head in confusion. What was all that about? He thought. that he thought about it – Hoseok looked extremely flustered before he left in a hurry. It must have been Taehyung, he chuckles, shaking his head. It's ridiculous how head over heels Hoseok was for the other.

Still, he was happy for him.

Burrowing back into his fort, he pondered on the idea of having a boyfriend himself. Someone who would look at him like Hoseok looked at Taehyung. He snorted because he really couldn't imagine it.

Subsiding those thoughts, he decided it was a good idea to finally return to his well-deserved nap. It's probably why he was having such silly thoughts.

[ to be continued... ]

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