Resolutions and Routines

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Hey everyone. I decide the first chapter should be on resolutions and routines since this is the beginning of a new year.

So basically I think everyone has made a new years resolution list or whatever. If your like me you would  have made the list with determination but... You didn't keep to it. It's not like I didn't want to, I just didn't.

I've been making resolution since I found out about them in 2012. So... I'm sixteen now and I made another one. I found out one of the problems about the lists were the things on it. I was setting goals that even I knew I wouldn't be able to achieve at that stage. Another reason was my determination wasn't real. I was doing it to maybe get attention or maybe be a better person. I wasn't doing it for the right reasons. That's just me. Some people do it because they really want to or some other reason.

So this year I made one and I'm doing it not just for my self but for God. I set goals that I know I can achieve e.g stop being lazy, listen to mum, have a closer relationship with God (no excuses) study the bible more in depth, be kinder even to those who least expect kindness, study hard for school... These are things I know I can achieve by God's grace.

Now about routines. Your resolutions can become routines if you really want them to. For example I'm  studying the Bible more and being kinder, so if I'm determined to do so I won't really notice when it becomes a part of me(well I will notice but ye know what I mean)

For some people instead of making resolutions there making routines. Whatever you want its really up to ye. But I challenge you to do one or both because it can really make a difference.

There are different ways you can remember what you have planned out. Like I wrote mine in a note book and I also wrote them on paper and stuck it on the wall. You could design it or something so it would catch your eye. Mines above my bed so I can't miss it. It looks like this

And you could also pick a word for the year. Mine is thrive and you could Google a bible verse relating to the word.

For more about routines and resolutions you can check out Proverbs31 ministries and Girl defined.

If you have questions or want to say anything you can ask them in the comments section or PM I don't mind. Have an awesome day.

God bless you

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