Hey, hope all ye had a good day. So.... My friend added me to a group on insta. But he created the group by accident.
Anyway I just turned on my phone and saw I had a message on instagram, so I checked and saw it was a group chat so I scrolled up a bit and I didn't get what they we're talking about so I texted '...' And some chick texted "who's you? " and I was like Naomi. So I went to check posts, then I went back into the chat and saw the words Jew, Jesus lover and something like that. Tbh I had no clue she was talking about me. So I scrolled up and was like oh she talking about me. She was like "we have a Jesus lover here, she's probably a Jew or something, imma leave the group before she starts choking me with shiz" I didn't reply.
My friend lived in the Netherlands and she lived in the Netherlands, she doesn't even know me lol, as most of you know I'm Nigerian but I grew up in the UK. So I was like am I that bad or something, so I went to my instagram profile and looked at my bio and i was like... What's wrong with me saying... You know what imma just insert a picture of my bio right....
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Anyway what I'm really getting at is this.... I started doubting my self, I started feeling too Jesusy if that's even a word but i quickly put the thought off, she's the one with the problem not me. I felt really disappointed in my self for even thinking she was right. I love Jesus with all my heart and I will never be ashamed of him. He has saved me, still is and is saving a lot of people who feel they don't need saving. A lot of what she was saying before i even got on my instagram was rude and inappropriate I didn't judge her nor am I even going to.
The part that makes me laugh is that I in no way even resemble a Jew. We should not be ashamed of our saviour so he won't be ashamed of us in the presence of God. Some of you can relate I've has worst cases but this was a just the most recent so I decided to share this with you. If your going to serve God serve him with everything you have and never doubt your position in his love and never reconsider being someone else just so you won't face persecution. Ik this was not so serious but it kinda hurt but God filled me with his love and peace. So never compromise when it comes to Jesus.