You Can Never be Too 'Christian'

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Hey, so I was on instagram and I saw a post about a guy telling a girl the he feels she is too christian. I know wahhh! How the heck can someone be too Christian.

Before I go  too far into what I want to say

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Before I go  too far into what I want to say. I believe you can never be too Christian it's impossible but you can be 'religious' pressuring your beliefs on others.
Now back to being a Christian. I know maybe not everyone who may read this book may not be a Christian and that's alright. Well I'm  a Christian pretty obvious I love Jesus and he loves me. I believe he died for me, was buried for me and resurrected for me. I kinda sound selfish, I mean us Lol.   Yeah and I believe one of my missions is to spread the gospel far and wide by different mediums. Music, I love to sing and listen to music, write, preach!. Okay enough that.

As I was saying you can never be too Christian. If you think like a Christian your obviously going to act like one. When others are bullying and insulting. You will humble your self in love and befriend that person. (Ik, even people who aren't Christian stick up for those who are being bullied)

When people are partying, you may not go because you know some of the things they may do at the party are wrong so you won't go. So someone tells you your being too uptight God won't be angry if you have a few drinks, grind on some dudes. You say no and stick to the truth. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense but I do know you should stick up for God and what or who he wants you to be because he takes us high. It doesn't mean we won't face difficulties and i mean real hard ones and temptations but he will get us through, we just need to seek him. Well that's all i have to say I hope you have a great day. That totally rhymed! I'm a boss ;)

 That totally rhymed! I'm a boss ;)

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God bless you

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