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I sat next to Victor's bed sobbing. The last time I had gotten to speak to him was over a month ago, and now I fear that I won't be able to talk to him again.

When Victor flatlined, the doctors were able to save him, but he had gone into a coma. The worst part was that he had shown any signs of getting better; I don't think I'll ever get to hear my lover's voice again.

I heard the door open, to reveal Dr. Maddy. (because author~chan wanted to be in the story) 

"D-Dr. Maddy!" I stuttered as I got up from my seat, "I-is there anything new? Is.. is he getting better?" I asked as Maddy walked over to me.

", but at least he's not getting any worse." She said, smiling sadly.

"Oh... ok." I replied quietly, sitting back down.

"I'm just going to just check his vitals real quick, ok?" Maddy said as she walked over to Victor, and took his pulse. After she was done, she left saying that she would be back later before she left, to go home for the night.

I nodded as she left, leaving me alone with Victor again, "..Victor." I sobbed, "Victor.. I-I miss you so much! Pl-please... please come back to me!!"

Suddenly, Victor's heart rate machine started going crazy! The beeps coming from is got louder, and faster.
























Then, Victor's eyes flew open.

Hi everyone! Ok so sorry that is is so short, but I promise that I'll make the chapters longer after this!

Well, that's pretty much it! Thank ya for reading this!! 

Ok, well, bye for meow! 👋😸

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