Chapter Twenty-Four

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Dominik paced along the wood floors as he waited for Zander to hang up the phone.

He had woken up from a night with no nightmares, Jade curled up into his side and everything in his life feeling right. He had wanted to stay there, in that room, in that bed with her beside him. Until his beast howled inside of him, announcing his claim of her again. The panic set in, the fear and doubts. He had come to Blue Moon for more than just a vacation or meet and greet. As much as he wanted to lay in bed with his Kitten, ignoring everything he had come to the pack for, he knew he couldn't. He couldn't have it both ways.

"Are you sure, Brandon?" Dominik turned his full attention back to Zander, he was frowning to himself as he pressed the cell phone to his ear, two more sitting on his desk in front of him.

"Alright, thank you, get back to me if you hear anything, will you?" He didn't say anything more, the person on the other end replying before he hung up the phone and placed it on his desk with the rest.

How one man had so many phones was beyond Dominik but he wasn't going to worry himself over that. He locked his green eyes onto the other man and waited, Zander rubbing a large hand over his nearly bald head as he let out a long breath, that was never a good sign.

"Let me guess, creepazoid isn't showing up in any pack databases." Aidan said not even bothering to look up from the pint of ice cream he was eating. Zander turned his head to his Beta and lifted a brow, Dominik staring at the blonde as if he was joking. "What?"

"Cam is going to kill you for eating her ice cream, again." Aidan smirked and shrugged his large shoulders before he shoveled another spoonful of chocolate ice cream into his mouth.

"What is with you having a bunch of teenagers running this pack? First Aimi and now Aidan." Dominik was seriously beginning to question how great this pack was with Aimi and Aidan as their leadership, luckily, they had Zander to balance them. Zander smirked and lifted his shoulder in a shrug.

"She's cute. And Aidan?" He cast his eyes to the large man with chocolate on his nose. "I don't keep him around for his maturity and brains." Dominik had no rebuttal for that, no one would ever keep Aidan around for those two things, it was placing a losing bet.

"What did Matthew say?" Dominik got back to the subject that mattered, his eyes locked on Zander and ignoring the teenager in the man's body in the room. Zander sighed.

"Well, despite his lack of brains, Aidan was right. We got nothing on a scout that's gone nomad." Dominik frowned and began to pace again. He didn't like it, he didn't like knowing there was a scout in his city and no pack in the country had any clue they were missing one. He lifted his head and stared at Zander.

"Unless, someone is lying." That got even the big kid's attention, his head lifting to actually pay attention to the conversation and stare hard at the other man. Dominik looked between the two waiting for them to catch up to his mind. He saw the way Zander's eyes got large as it clicked and the way Aidan hissed softly. It made sense.

"They lie, hide the fact he isn't where he is supposed to be, because he is where he is supposed to be." Zander spoke it first while Aidan nodded, agreeing.

"They would never admit he isn't where he is supposed to be, never even admit they know him. He is trained for this, to be seen but never seen, there but never there." Aidan offered, his experience as being a scout surfacing as he looked at the two other men, his blue eyes hard and serious.

"There is only one pack I can think of that would benefit from that." Dominik looked at them both, trying to make them see it without him having to speak it, despite their jokes about Aidan, he was too smart to be dumb. They both nodded, agreeing, their own minds right on track with his.

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