Chapter Ten

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Dominik walked through the club in search of Loco. He had stayed away from the club for two days, wanting to focus on Jade and making sure she wasn't up to anything. After the talk they had, the way she stayed in place after he gave her the freedom to move about the loft during the day, he was content she would keep her end of the bargain. Loco had kept an eye on the place, whenever Dominik had to stay away from the club Loco was always his go to guy. He knew he could trust the big guy.

"If it isn't my long-lost boss. I will call off the search party." Loco growled out to Dominik as he walked onto the floor towards the large animal. Dominik rolled his eyes at the guy, he was such a big guy, but it was all a front. Loco was nothing more than a goofball kid in a man's body, a bodybuilders body.

"I brought you cookies." Dominik held up the bag with the dozen chocolate chip cookies. Loco beamed, his lips tilting at the sides into a full-on grin as he grabbed the bag.

"Forgiven." The animal shoved a whole cookie into his wide mouth and chewed. Thankfully he swallowed before he talked again. "That creep made a play again. He is making his way through the clubs fast."

"Same M.O.?" Loco nodded, all joking aside as he focused on his boss.

"Drugged a girl, got as far as the bathroom with her before her girlfriends got wise and found her. He ran off through a backdoor before anyone could place a face." Dominik growled softly deep in his throat. There was nothing more he hated in life then men that took advantage of females.

He knew he was no prince or saint, but he never took advantage of a woman. Every woman who he ever got involved with, they asked for it, some even begged on their knees with mouths open for it. He never had to drug a woman, force himself on her, or ignore the words no to get what he wanted. Those were the kinds of men that weren't men at all, not even boys, they were something else, something that he would have no guilt killing.

"Chill, Boss. You going to go all Hulk in front of the sapiens." Loco casted his eyes around the club swiftly, making sure no one could see just what his eyes were seeing. Dominik nodded, taking a few deep breathes as he forced the animal he shared a body with back into its confines.

"Asshole better hope he gets caught before he meets me." Dominik growled out and looked up at his friend, Loco nodded, his brown bald head shining in the light. Dominik turned away from him and headed to the bar, his mood already sour but he still had work to do.

"Hey, Boss." Anya greeted him playfully as she moved about the bar, stocking the shelves with gleaming bottles of liquor. He leaned up against the bar and nodded in greeting at her, her always cheerful face warped into a wide smile.

"How is it going?" He watched her cleaning down a bottle before she turned her full attention onto him. She was in a black button up, snug fitting and a few buttons left undone, giving the twins a good view of the scenery.

"Great. I need to give you an inventory list tonight, we are running low on a few things." She was efficient as always, which was what Dominik liked about her. She was a hard worker, got the job done and kept things organized. The fact she kept things organized was enough to keep Dominik happy.

"Just bring it to the office whenever you are done with it." He waited until she nodded, agreeing to what he said, before he turned around and walked back to his office.

He should have known that his night was going too well, a hand clasping around his arm. He inhaled slowly, the awful perfume penetrating his senses even without using his heightened talent. Carrie always wore perfume that reminded him of sewer water laced with too much flowers. The combination was horrible. He turned his head slightly to look at her, a lift of his brow all he could afford the slut.

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