chapter three

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Hanna jogged her mile extra slow it was all because of Adam Banks. She couldn't get him out of her mind.

She was stupidly hoping he felt the same way because if he were to have that much of an affect on her she wanted herself to clutter his thoughts too.

When she finally entered the rink for practice it was 5:01. "You're late," Jack said as she went into the locker room.

"Time is just an illusion," she shook her head as she started to put on her protective gear.

"You're lucky dad is not here," Jack stated sitting next to her.

Hanna rolled her eyes, she wasn't so much lucky as she was annoyed. She went to put in her mouth piece when it didn't fit correctly.

"Oh dude, I think I just put in your mouth piece," she said handing it to Jack. He looked at her in disgust and she scoffed. "What, do I got germs or something?"

Jack shuttered as he put the guard in his mouth and then shoved Hanna lightly. She shoved back, but not so lightly.

"Ok, pull back pitbull! What's your deal anyway?" Jack asks rhetorically standing up.

Hanna waddled after him in her skates and then across the ice. Everyone was goofing off and strangely coach wasn't there yet.

Hanna just stood to the side observing, she wasn't really close with her teammates yet because she only made the team the day prior.

Some guys on her team skated up to her and started teasing her because she was the newbie.

"Well, well, another Malloy on varsity what a surprise," one joked. "Do all Malloy's get a free ticket to varsity?"

"Just leave me alone," Hanna tried to skate away.

"Hey, hey," another one cupped her shoulder. "We were only joking, but all newbie's have to go through rush week."

Hanna's eyes almost hung out of her head. Rush week? Oh no, she thought, not here and not now.

"And your first task will be tonight when all the countries go out to dinner," he laughed evilly.

Hanna shuddered a bit, this can't be good. Public humiliation is one of her worst fears. Hanna just smiled gave them a thumbs up and skated over to her twin brother Jack.

"What the hell Jack?" She grabbed his shoulders firmly. "Rush week. Nobody told me about a rush week."

"Hey, keep cool Han," Jack said shrugging his shoulders. "All the new members have to do it, I did it last year."

Hanna groaned and skated away to start practicing and her father walked in looking flustered.

"Listen up, shmelts," Coach yelled. "Bring it in."

Everyone was a bit on edge because Coach did not seem the happiest at the moment. Everyone gathered around and gave each other worried glances.

"We got some tough competition ahead of us, much of them are unsportsmanlike like and rude," he said as his eye twitched a bit in anger. "But all you've gotta do is not blow it!"

"Yeah don't blow it guys!" Everyone started chanting and Hanna sighed as her dad looked at her. She was remembering the goal she missed that ruined her fathers perfect season.

After practice the Malloy's all hung out on the second floor lobby. Stryker ran his hand through Hanna's hair laughing.

"Han, you gotta cut your hair, your practically Rapunzel," he laughed as Hanna rolled her eyes.

"Nobody's touching my hair dude," Hanna sighed sitting down.

"Come on," Gunner said sitting next to her. "It's varsity tradition, plus it may help you with your guy troubles." He laughed.

"Shut it," Hanna said crossing her arms. Jett rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Gunner.

"Quit busting her chops, Sally," he joked and Gunner sprung up.

"Who you chirpin' at, Mary?" He shot back.

While that was all happening a puck flew Hanna's way and knocked her out of her chair onto the ground, and to say the least, it hurt.

"Aw are you gonna cry, baby butter?" Stryker humorously said.

"Man up," Gunner added.

"Not crying," Hanna said sitting up as she looked to see where the puck came from. Some of team U.S.A. came running over, no surprise there.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you," a guy said and Hanna handed him back his puck.

"No worries," Hanna shrugged sitting back down.

As team U.S.A. started leaving Hanna's eyes widened in realization. She pulled out the broken phone from her pocket.

"Champ," Jack shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh you might cry when coach sees this," Stryker laughed and Hanna groaned throwing her head back.

"Yeah thanks guys," Hanna said sarcastically pushing Stryker.

"Oh, little sis, pushing back!" Gunner laughed as they continued to joke around.

About an hour later Hanna went back to the hotel room to start getting ready for dinner. All the different teams are going to the same restaurant for this big dinner and it gives the coaches a chance to network and make connections.

Hanna took about an hour to get ready and by time she was done her whole team was ready to go.

Hanna's outfit.

Hair, Hanna doesn't wear makeup

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Hair, Hanna doesn't wear makeup.

 As the whole team piled into the bus the two boys who told her about the Rush Week before at practice, Owen and Haynes, both looked at her and started laughing

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As the whole team piled into the bus the two boys who told her about the Rush Week before at practice, Owen and Haynes, both looked at her and started laughing.

Hanna got an uneasy feeling and crossed her fingers hoping the embarrassment wouldn't be too bad. But Lord knows she was in for a surprise.

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