Jan 11. 2016

35 1 0

6:20 p.m.

shawn: damn I never really realized how much I've missed you until now.

me: I'd miss me too if I were you

shawn: of course you would

me: haha...

me: Shawn I owe you an apology. I was such an asshole to you.

shawn: its okay.

me: how could you be so forgiving? I literally knocked your lab excitement over in science class god that was the dumbest thing I've ever done I put your grade in jeopardy and everyone's lives as well. for what? Ten seconds of feeling like I had finally gotten you back? and even after that I still went home and cried myself to sleep and I never cry over anything...but when it comes to you I can't help myself..god my emotions are always out of wack when it comes to you..my heart beats uncontrollably when I hear your name holy shit mendes what did you do too me? I'm feeling things for you that I've never felt before shawn I don't know what to do when it comes to you I just loose myself..and I'm sorry..

shawn: Danielle its okay I get it I feel the same way about you I'm glad you were honest even if you made me fail science class this semester :)

me: wait you failed science?

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