August 7. 2016

15 0 0

9:44 a.m.

890-234-7896: danielle?

me: ummm who's this?

890-234-7896: Shawn.

me: Oh..hey.

shawn: hey

me: what's up?

shawn: nothing I know we haven't talked in a while

me: yeah

shawn: I just wanted to apologize for how things ended between us. not speaking with you helped me realize how insecure I was being and after the breakup I thought I would be okay but losing you was the worst thing that has ever happened to me danielle, I never had anyone love me the way you loved me. I tried things out with Lauren for a while but it just didn't feel right I was using her to try and fill that void I felt from losing you..I really miss you danielle.

shawn: I don't know why it took me so long to realize that.

me: Shawn I'm sorry but I kinda have a boyfriend now.

shawn: oh really? that's great.

me: yeah, it is.

shawn: sorry for bothering you I just didn't want to hold that in anymore but I'm glad that you're happy now.

me: lol

shawn: what?

me: I don't have a boyfriend dumbass

shawn: really? why would you say that then.

me: because it's what you deserved to hear after what you did to me.

shawn: yeah I know I'm really sorry danielle

me: I was wondering how long it'd be before you realized how dumb you were

shawn: it didn't take long I just had too much pride to message you sooner

me: you're such a leo

shawn: what does that mean?

me: well since I've been lonely I've spent most of my time indulging in astrology

shawn: loser

me: who's the real loser here

shawn: ouch.

me: haha well it was nice to finally hear from you

shawn: what does that mean?

me: it means it was nice hearing from you what else?

shawn: oh idk

me: what did you expect us to like get back together or something lol?

shawn: no..

me: oh okay good

shawn: so we're friends?

me: no

shawn: oh..

me: were best friends

me: isn't that weird how at first we were just project partners, then we fell in love, and now we're best friends.

shawn: yeah sadly..I fucked this up.

me: no this is probably better for us, the whole situation was too complicated anyways and I still love you.

shawn: the last time you told me you loved me I didn't say it back but I hope you know that I love you too danielle.

me: how can you not?

shawn: haha, yeah you're right.

me: I'm gonna go to sleep though I haven't been to sleep yet I pulled an all-nighter I got caught up watching the vampire diaries.

shawn: I already binge watched the whole show!

me: ugh don't spoil it for me I have two seasons left I'm gonna watch them all in like two days haha

shawn: good luck with that

me: thanks.

shawn: talk to you later danielle

me: later

me: oh and Shawn I'm really glad you texted me because believe it or not I missed you a lot too.

shawn: I really needed to hear that. ❤️

me: 💗💗💗

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