one: the beginning.

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"I said you're such a sweet, young thing

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"I said you're such a sweet, young thing. Why'd you do this to yourself?" 

Emily put the red cup to her lips and took a sip of the drink inside. There was a sour look on her face as she swallowed, pushing the cup off to Spencer.

Aria giggled from her seat on the floor of the Hastings' Barn, their designated hangout for the night, "It's bad, huh?"

Jo sat next to a much giddy Hanna with a cup of her own. She wasn't like the others; her experience with alcohol was greater. She watched as Spencer took the next swallow of their forbidden fruit. She was much more graceful about it, not making much of a face.

Suddenly, the lights cut out and the music quit. "Whoa," Jo breathed, "what happened?"

"It must be the storm." Spencer reasoned with her, reaching for a nearby unlit candle. Jo pulled a pink lighter from her pocket and tossed it to Spencer, who caught it with ease. It took two tries before a bright orange flame sparked to life, lighting the wick.

There was a suspicious racket from outside the barn, catching Jo's attention. She looked to a doe-eyed Aria, confirming she'd heard it too. "There's something out there."

"Guys," Hanna whispered, turned around. The girls followed her lead, turning to see the barn door open, giving them a spooky sight into the dark and stormy night. They huddled close together, scared of the dark like children. As they eased forwards, a dark figure emerged at the entrance with a jump. The girls let out a deathly scream, before noticing the missing member of their posse in front of them.

"That's so not funny, Alison!" Spencer whined.

Alison smirked, "I thought it was hilarious, girls."

Jo rolled her eyes at Ali's remark, finding a seat on the weathered sofa as the girls spoke about Beyoncé. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, jolting her in shock. She pulled it open, checking it as inconspicuous as possible. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she saw Alison's brother as the sender.

"What has Wednesday Addams so giddy?" Alison sneered. Jo looked up, unaware of how her excitement was plastered across her face. All the girls were staring at her with curiosity, waiting for an answer.

Jo scoffed. Like hell was she about to say she'd been hooking up with Ali's brother. Jason DiLaurentis was a dirty secret, and he was going to stay that way. "It's my cousin—the one that moved in from Colorado. He's texting me. Probably high again."

That was good enough for the other girls, but Jo knew in Ali's eyes that she didn't fall for it. Ali knew there was dirt to be uncovered, and soon she would find a shovel. Luckily, Jo had always dug deep.

"Tell your loser cousin to try again some other time. It's girls' night, hon. Phones away." Ali reached down for the red cup, offering it to Jo. "Your turn."

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