four: i should've stayed home(coming).

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"Sorry, I'm just scared of the future"

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"Sorry, I'm just scared of the future"

The punch tasted awful like someone had mixed rubbing alcohol with sugar-free fruit juice. But with the only other option being water from a rusting public fountain, Jo sipped lightly from her cup. Hanna and Spencer approached her, grabbing an arm, and tugged her to the door with Aria following.

"How did things with Emily go?" She questioned, finishing what was left of the plastic cup.

Aria was only one to offer up an explanation, the other two being angry with their friend's lack of a warning that she was bringing a murder suspect. "Not good. She stood up for Toby, despite the fact we think he's the enemy."

Jo threw her head back. "When did he even come back to Rosewood?"

"About the same time you left, and he's got a new tattoo," Spencer told them, crossing her arms. "Which I know what it stands for. Nine-Oh-One Free At Last, that's September first..."

"...The day Alison disappeared." Jo finished as Spencer nodded solemnly. She clenched her jaw as she thought back to September. Toby surely had enough reason to want Ali gone, and now Jo reciprocated those same murderous feelings towards Toby.

"Hanna, you have got to get that file." Aria declared as she took in Jo's uneasy appearance.

"Tonight?" Hanna asked, unenthusiastically.

Spencer spoke up in defense of Aria. "Emily is not going to believe anything we say if we have zero proof. She could be walking into a trap. An A trap."

"Can we wait until—"

"Hanna!" Jo spat, cutting her off with a warning look—the same look that dared her to test the waters if she was brave enough. "You're going to get that file. Aria and Spencer will keep the boys from suspecting anything. I'm going to keep an eye on them."

As they broke apart to go forth with the plan, Jo eyed the suspicious date at a booth. Toby smiled at Emily when she spoke. Dangerous thoughts ran through Jo's mind as she wondered if he really had it in him. Alison had been a bully, that much was true, but to murder someone in cold blood was unfathomable. She was just a young girl who made all the wrong mistakes. The wrong mistakes Jo made as well.

"Would you like to have a card reading?"

Jo looked down at the woman in exaggerated gypsy drag. She was doubtful of her precision with tarot cards. "I don't have the time."

"It will be quick. A simple Spiritual spread," She offered. "Only three cards."

Jo gave in and sat before the woman. As she shuffled the cards, asking Jo to cut once, a card fell out.

"Messy," She observed, flipping the card over. "You don't believe in the reading or care."

"That's chilling," deadpanned Jo, wishing she'd swallowed three more cups of the punch before dealing with the night. "How could you ever tell?"

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