I arrive at school about an hour before classes start. There's already a lot of people due to the fact that it's the first day. I go to the bathroom first, apparently I hadn't peed before I left. I walk in without looking directly at anyone. When I'm done I just sit there for a bit. Remembering a time in my life when I used to eat my lunch in this exact stall. I like this one. It's my favourite. I'd wet my pants before I went into any other stall. I eventually get up and out.
"That took you long enough," says a girl who looks at me with a smile.
"I didn't know I was being timed, Lynn."
Lynnette Marks is my best friend. We've always gotten along. Ever since we were in kindergarten and some boy spat in her face. I beat him up for it, well as much beating up as you can do at five years old. I'm not the most social person but I could never tolerate bullying. The same goes for discrimination. I'm a girl and I'm black which means that I always got discrimination from all ends. And I saw bullying the same way. Nonetheless Lynn and I became the best of friends since then. And it had always been just the two of us. We weren't so much into each other's businesses, we just enjoyed each other's company. There were no demands, no rules, just companionship.
"It's always quite the spectacle when Miss Catherine Gale decides to grace me with her presence," she says this as she opens the bathroom door as we lead out.
"Speaking of," she continues, "how was your vacation? "
"Nothing interesting just read and listened to music. Yourself?"
"Same. Just in a beach house on an exotic island."
Lynn's parents were rich. Like filthy rich. Like dropped money everywhere they went rich. Not both her parents though, just her dad. The weirdest thing was always how low-key they were about it. They weren't flashy. Looking at Lynn now, she looked so less than ordinary. She made me look like a spoilt brat. I guess that's another reason why I like her so much.
"I can't wait for class. I'm surprised that there aren't more people in here."
Lynn was always the over eager type. I, on the other hand, am not as excited by such downworldly things. I was by my mom that I needed to be more enthusiastic but honestly who can be enthusiastic to stick in Advanced Program classes (yes, I am kinda smart) with such dry people.
I realise that class is filling up and will probably be starting soon. Sitting in the corner is a red head with green eyes. It's Connor Smith. The hottest guy in the school. With his jock muscles, tight fitting shirt and perfect smile, no girl gets past him but he gets in every girl. He winks at me and I roll my eyes and grimace. I guess I forget to mention that he is my ex. Yep, I dated the hottest guy in school and nobody knows it. It was only for a few weeks until I realised that it just wasn't right. We broke up. There were no hard feelings of course, well other than the fact that he still thinks I 'owe' him sex. I have always loved his eyes though. I have this thing for green eyes. It started a few months ago. I woke up one night with green eyes burnt into the back of my skull. It was the perfect shade of green. Dark but luminous. Thinking about it now Connor's were nothing like that. But it was as I could get. Sometimes I get lost think of eyes. In fact, ever since that one night there are a lot of things I constantly think of. At the same time there are too many things that I can't wrap my head around. It takes me a while to even try remember a fraction of the dream and by then my head would be pounding.
I feel a nudge on my elbow. I turn around to find Lynn mouthing "look" and pointing towards the front of the classroom. There's a guy at the table. From here I can already see how fit he is. His muscles are stretching all the threads of his blue t-shirt. His hair is blonde, almost golden. He looks so good already even from the back. Those jeans fit so well. I don't need to look around to see that every girl is secretly(and not so secretly) undressing him with her eyes. Hello new guy. He turns around and to my out most surprise, he looks straight at me. That face. I takes me a moment to realise why I'm all of a sudden so into him. Hello green eyes.
Hey everybody! I know, I know. It's a really short chapter. I'll try make them longer.
What do you guys think about Cat's new crush? Could he be 'the one'? I'd love to hear your thoughts♥